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Tom Holland In Talks With Sony For A Potential Venom 2 Cameo

Venom 2: Tom Holland rumors of a possible Spider-Man cameo!!!

Venom 2 from Sony Pictures may present a Spider-Man cameo. At the same time, it is rumored that MCU actor Tom Holland is in talks to appear as Peter Parker in a Marvel movie Sony, which works with the cinematographic rights of Spider-Man and other Marvel Comics characters, has worked in recent years to produce its list of comic films.

Venom has received mixed critical reviews but obtained a fan base. Finally, Venom was successful at the box office, earning $ 856 million worldwide. As a result, Tom 2 was announced, with Tom Hardy playing Eddie Brock. Director Andy Serkis also arrived after Reuben Fletcher, Venom’s healer, left. The filming of Venom 2 began in November, presumably directed to the release date of Sony in October 2024.

Rumors of the filming of Holland’s cameo appeared while Venom was in production!!

The news of Holland’s possible appearance in Venom 2 should not be so big that Sony tries to get his Spider-Man in the previous Venom movie. Rumors of the filming of Holland’s cameo appeared while Venom was in production, and remained constant even after it was concluded.

If Holland has a cameo in Venom 2, even though he only appears as Peter Parker, not as Spider-Man, he would conclusively confirm that the universe is somehow connected. However, if Marvel wants to keep the world apart, studies may establish that Venom takes place in a different universe within Multiverse. However, if it is not done well, Sony and Marvel run the risk of confusing casual filmmakers, who do not understand the intricate details of studio and film rights.

Multiple adventures for the Spider-Man from Holland!!!

Perhaps many adventures for the Spider-Man from Holland is really what the studio plans to pursue. Finally, there are rumors that Feige is planning to kick Spider-Man out of the MCU, using the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 solo film and the rest of the team’s movie. If Peter Parker from Holland travels to another universe within the Multiverse, he convinces him to jump into the exclusive Sony franchise, cross with Venom and leave the MCU everything that makes sense to the public. It remains to be seen if it starts with a cameo in Venom 2.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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