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Angelina Jolie Donates To These Two Little Boys

Angelina Jolie is one of the maximum talked-approximately girls withinside the world, and it is vital information for the whole lot from her new role at Marvel to her split from Brad Pitt after the couple finally filed for divorce last year. (Three years later) she announced that she was single, ‘splitting’ her marriage. It is her role as a philanthropist that has been the most news this summer.

Great Step taken By Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie

The actress and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador donated $ 1 million to No Kid Hungary, a charity that is helping vulnerable children amid the coronavirus pandemic. And this week, Angelina became again, this time a donation from a lemonade stand run with the aid of using kids for the cause of elevating cash for kids in Yemen.

Two best friends, Ayan Mojo and Mikail Ishaq, both aged six, set up a lemonade stand in East London to earn money for the cause. However, they were shocked when they received an unexpected donation and a beautiful letter from none other than Angelina Jolie. The Academy Award winner apologized to the children for not being able to buy lemonade in person but said he wanted to donate to their cause.

Angelina Jolie makes donation to two boys raising money for Yemen - Big World Tale

Image Source: Big World Tale

Sweet Message To Ayan And Mikail

To Dear Ayan and Mikail, thank you for what you and Your buddies are doing to assist youngsters in Yemen, ‘examine the candy letter from the Hollywood star. Sorry, I can’t buy you lemonade, but I’d still like to donate your booth. ‘ Ayan’s mother reportedly called the ‘cute notes’ and ‘very generous donations’ a bit ‘quirky but surprising’.

He also mentioned that the two young men initially did not know who Angelina Jolie was, but ‘her dad was very excited’. ‘Now they are increasing it a lot,’ the mothers continued, explaining that the two children had sent a video response to Angelina, saying: ‘If you ever come to London, buy a free glass. Feel fresh lemonade.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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