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Alita Battle Angel 2: Fans Are Campaigning For The Sequel Through Billboards

After the animated film Alita Battle Angel release at the box office, it soon was able to garner huge attention and made a fanbase overnight. However, it seems like fans are getting anxious about the sequel of this animated film which might be an uncertain project. Let us take a brief look.

Alita Battle Angel Fans Are Expanding Their Campaign With Billboards In LA!

Fans loved the adaptation of a Japanese Manga series so much that they have started an online campaign asking for a sequel film to be announced soon. The online campaign has, however, reached to such an extent that people are putting up billboards in LA asking for a sequel!

Fans Are asking or A Sequel Battle Angel Film From Disney!

Actor Christoph Waltz who was Dr. Dyson Ido in the movie has also talked about all these online campaigns saying that there are some grave doubts about the film getting a sequel now that Disney owns the rights to the movie. Fans have been trying to get the studio giant’s attention with all these campaigns which have now gained all the more popularity. The campaign has reached out in Award shows, and now through Billboards as well!

However, while the film was widely praised by fans all around the globe, the film could not gain a huge box office collection compared to some other films under the Disney banner. This might have made the studio a bit demotivated to come up with yet another sequel in all this time. However, Disney might also pitch for an Alita Battle series as well, fans sure are hopeful.

The New Disney Merger Might Pose A Problem For A Sequel Film!

While fans are continuously campaigning against the cause of a sequel Alita Battle Angel movie, it can result in something good as earlier fans have convinced bug studios to release director cut movies as well. So, the latest billboard campaign must bear some fruitful results. While earlier campaigns for Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League were heard by the Warner Bros., we hope Disney will pay attention to this ongoing campaign as well.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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