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Zack Snyder Pokes Fun At Joss Whedon’s ‘Justice League’

A skinny dog, everything is fleas, as the saying goes. Now that Joss Whedon faces an investigation by Warner for his alleged bad manners on the set of Justice League, Zack Snyder has taken the opportunity to stick his finger in his eye on account of one of the additions that the director of The Avengers included in his controversial reshoots.

Zack Synder Makes Fun Of Joss Whedon’s Justice League

As is well known, Snyder (the original director of the film) is now working on his famous Snyder Cut, that version that will make us see the Justice League that he had originally conceived before leaving it due to serious family problems.

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Source: Gruntstuff

And during the recent DC Fandom event, he has answered questions about the differences between this montage and the released movie. One of those issues has been whether the Superman of Henry Cavill will continue asking ” You bleed?” to the Batman of Ben Affleck, echoing dialogue between the two in Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.

What Was Zack Synder’s Reaction On Joss Whedon’s Justice League?

Snyder’s response? Well, dry and forceful like a Batarang hit: “Uh, no, that doesn’t make sense, literally.”

Leaving aside the debatable use of “literally” in the phrase, it is true that that moment was one of the most debatable of the Justice League, no matter how much a newly resurrected and very pissed off ‘Supes’ pronounced it.

It is clear once again, on the other hand, that Zack Snyder was not amused by the montage of Whedon, which he has described as “Frankenstein’s monster”. It remains to be seen if, between this professional rivalry and the accusations of Ray Fisher, the director of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer can end his career.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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