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Thor Love And Thunder: Fat Thor Will Not Return As Per This Theory

It is highly likely that “Thick Thor” did not return to Thor: Love and Thunder, despite the apparent appeal of bringing the Asgardian version back. Avengers: Endgame provided a main extrude for Chris Hemsworth’s God of Thunder, however that does not imply it’s going to stick. Thor’s weight may be normal until he reappears on the big screen.

On the one hand, it is understandable that this representation is not withdrawn, as some found fraternity problematic. How the movie reduced his extra weight, such as being fat, especially since his weight and depression were often played out for a laugh.

Are we honestly going to peer fats Thor in Thor Love and Thunder?

Marvel Archives - NewsRantz.Com
Source: NewsRantz.Com

Avengers: Endgames ended with Endgame leaving Eggard and joining the Star-Lords Guardians of the Galaxy for a cosmic adventure. Since some Guardians may appear in the movie, you may still be in their company, at least for the opening part. However, it is not known if Thor has the same appearance. Weight loss or not depends on how long it has been.

The official release date of the Thor: Love and Thunder:

Thor: Love and Thunder was scheduled to hit theaters on November 5, 2024, however because of a coronavirus pandemic, its launch date turned into modified to February 11, 2024. You can check the Marvel release schedule from here.

The expected storyline of the Thor: Love and Thunder:

The photo of Portman holding Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, says it all. Thor’s fourth (and probably last) outing will bring Portman back as Jane Foster, but with a twist. Since the first two Thor movies, Prithvi-Prem Prem has become a Thor superhero herself.

While there has been no confirmation of this, but there is another way, most fans suspect that the story will be drawn from the 2014-2015 Thor Run followed by the 2015 Mighty Thor.

The cast members of the Thor: Love and Thunder:

  • Hemsworth returns as Thor
  • Tessa Thompson returns as Valkyrie
  • Portman will come back after sitting out from Thor: Ragnarok as Jane Foster, who has become Lady Thor
  • Christian Bale has been cast as the yet-unknown primary villain

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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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