This Spanish psychological thriller, The Paramedic, makes a juicy exploration of poisonous virility in the form of batteries that come to the powers. The film follows a man named Angel (Mario Casus), who lives in a bad temper while his depression increases in a wheelchair, and realizes that he has done an injustice to her in life. Directly in his sights is his partner, Wayne (Deborah Francois), who he suspects of being unfaithful to him.
The trailer here, unfortunately, is not in English, which means that unless you can speak Spanish, you will only have scenes that are as engaging as they are, only less than painting a complete picture.
The official release date of The Paramedic:
The film will be released on September 18, 2024. The team released the trailer on its official website.
The expected storyline of The Paramedic:
Not much has been revealed about the movie so far, but since it’s part of Netflix’s horror collection, it’s sure to be exciting. Mario plays the role of Cass Angel, the dark and troubled protagonist of the film. Deborah Francois plays her girlfriend Wayne. Since Netflix has yet to release any more information, we have no idea if she is his ex-girlfriend or his current girlfriend. However, we’ll find out soon!
The male protagonist of the story, Ángel, works as a paramilitary in an ambulance service. However, he is seriously injured in a car accident and is forced to remain in a wheelchair. He becomes suspicious of his partner Wayne and hatches a sinister conspiracy when his mental health also begins to deteriorate. He wants revenge on this woman who left him and he won’t be able to stop anything.
Cast: The Paramedic
- Déborah François as Lane
- Celso Bugallo
- Raúl Jiménez
- Pol Monen
- Gerard Oms
- Guillermo Pfening
- Maria Rodríguez Soto
Rest you will get to know once the movie releases.