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The Little Mermaid: Things We Know About The Live Action Adaptation

The Littel Mermaid is the latest one, which will soon get its Live-action remake. Recently The Lion king had an immense impact on the cinema after its live-action remake of Disney’s classic. These movies could freshen up childhood memories with some advancement in technology.

The Little Mermaid Confirmation

The Little Mermaid is reportedly in works, and soon, we will witness the Live-action of the little Mermaid. In March 2024, it was confirmed that one week before the shooting was set in London and now due to Coronavirus, it got stopped eventually.

Lead Role

Disney has affirmed that Halle Bailey will be the lead character Ariel in the flick. Previously there were speculations that Ariana Grande will be on board for the role. But now it looks like that they are all rumors.

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Leave it to the voice of Ariel herself, @jodi.benson to give an insightful, thoughtful response when asked her thoughts about an African-American actress being cast to play Ariel in the upcoming live-action version of "The Little Mermaid" at her @floridasupercon panel yesterday (Scroll through to see full response in 2 videos). She really put things in perspective! ??? (PLEASE ONLY REPOST WITH CREDIT!) . . #jodibenson #littlemermaid #thelittlemermaid #ariel #princessariel #hallebailey #chloexhalle #thelittlemermaidliveaction #waltdisneystudios #disneystudios @disneystudios #disneyliveaction #mermaid #disneyprincess #dreambigprincess #disneyprincesses #partofyourworld #voiceactor #voiceover #voiceactors #mermaids #underthesea #mermaidlove #lapetitesirene #lasirenita #disneymovie #floridasupercon #instadisney #disneygram #disneyig #disney

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Expected Release Date

As it is evident that the filming was delayed and so it simply affects the release date of the flick, respectively. But the expected release date of The Little Mermaid will likely arrive on November, 19,2021. So there’s a bit delay in the schedule as the flick was supposed to release mid-2021, so the makers have to take a hit with the release date.


However, there is no trailer available for now as the confirmation is set only. So stay for more updates and don’t fall for fan-made trailers around the web.


A Disney movie is incomplete without the music as its the tradition of the production house. The likes of Lion king has numerous soundtracks titles which tend fans to groove on the beats. There are many musical films composed by Disney which had an equal and practical impact. Now it is reported that four new songs been written for the Live-action remake of The Little Mermaid.

Cast Updates

Javier Bardem will likely fit in the role of King Triton, and on top of it One Direction fame Harry Styles is also on the cast list. It is rumored that he will likely take the role of Prince Eric, but it’s not confirmed that he got hired for the position or not. Now 13 Reasons Why’s very own Christian Navarro (Tony Padilla) also announced as the part of the cast. The purpose of Crab will portray by Daveed Diggs, who also done voiceover for Pixar’s Soul.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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