The Devil All Time is an upcoming Netflix original psychological thriller directed by Antonio Campos. The original script is based on the adaptation, written by Antonio and Paulo Campos, based on the novel of the same name by Donal Ray Pollock. Jake Gyllenhaal is also influential as an executive producer on the film as Reva Marker, Gretchen McGowan, Randall Poster, and Max Born.
Here you will get to know everything regarding The Devil All The Time:
The official release date for The Devil All The Time:
We previously reported that The Devil was slated to air on Netflix on May 15, 2024, but the wait did not end when it was announced in July that the film would be available on Netflix beginning September 16, 2024.
All about the upcoming movie The Devil All The Time:
The Devil All the time is based on the book of Donald Ray Pollock with the same name is set in World War II and follows a series of characters who react to the damage and disruption they suffered during the war. Does.
Amidst the cinematic collection of turbulent characters stands an elderly victim of a massacre in the South Pacific whose wife is dying of cancer, a team of husband and wife serial killers, a spider-preaching preacher, and his partner. guitar and guitar. Who is fleeing the law and in the center is an orphan boy who, while growing up, was a violent man?
Who all can we expect as the cast member of The Devil All The Time?
The following actors will star in the upcoming Netflix movie The Devil All Time:
- Tom Holland as Arvin Russell
- Sebastian Stan as Lee Bodecker
- Robert Pattinson as Preston Teagardin
- Bill Skarsgård as Willard Russell
- Mia Wasikowska as Helen Hatton
- Eliza Scanlen as Lenora Laferty
- Jason Clarke as Carl Henderson
- Riley Keough as Sandy Henderson
- Haley Bennett as Charlotte Russell
- Harry Melling as Roy Laferty
- Abby Glover as Pamela Sue Reaster
- Pokey LaFarge