Netflix released the first teaser on Tuesday for its upcoming animated film, “Over the Moon” the fictional story of the Chinese Moon Goddess directed by former Disney veteran and Oscar winner Glen Keane (“Fear Basketball” ) has an amazing update.
Here is the brand new teaser trailer of the movie.
All about the Over the Moon
The movie is inspired by the Chinese legend of the moon goddess Chang’e. The trailer begins with a young woman, Fei Fei (Aang), the story told by her parents. In “Over the Moon” written by Audrey Wells from “Hate You Give” 13-year-old Phi Fei (Kathy Ang) builds a rocket on the moon to meet the legendary goddess, Chang (Philip), “Moana”. And the soul of “Hamilton”). But her journey in Lunaria (designed by Celine Desramooks from “The Little Prince”) forces her to accept the change. Also, famous costume designer Guo Pei designed beautiful dresses for Chang’s, which required ImageWorks to have its own simulation software.
The vision then changes to the current day, where the mother of Fei Fei’s died. Fie Fei made a rocket to reach the moon and prove that there is a moon goddess.
Who are behind the production of Over the Moon?
Glen Keane is the director of Over the Moon he already worked on many of the Disney’s productions such as:
- The Little Mermaid
- Beauty and the Beast
- Aladdin
- Pocahontas
Gennie Rim the Producers, Keane, and Pillin Chow will discuss the moon on Wednesday at 6 p.m. during the transmission of Annex 2024. PST
The cast members we are going to see in Over the Moon
The voice cast is one of the Asian stars who like
- Philip Soo
- Ken Jeong
- John Cho
- Margaret Cho
- Kimiko Glenn
- Sandra Oh
and more. Debutant Ang and Robert G. Cheu play brothers in the movie.