Over the Moon is an upcoming American-Chinese computer-animated musical comedy-adventure film, directed by Glen Keane and co-directed by John Kahrs, with a script by Audrey Wells starring in her films as a director. The movie is produced through Pearl Studios and lively through Sony Pictures Imageworks.
Netflix has had some major successes in the animation genre and is now an upcoming feature in ‘Betting Bade,’ Over the Moon. The film is directed by Glenn Keane, known for his extensive work for Pixar. Audrey Wells was hired by Pearl Studios to write an adaptation of the classic Chinese myth. This is also the last work of a doomed writer. Netflix acquired the distribution rights to the film and Glenn Keane was set to direct. However, in the meantime, Audrey Wells died in 2018, making it her last film to run.
The official release date of Over The Moon:
Moon is coming to Netflix in late October, which will be Netflix’s biggest month in a while. According to Netflix, you can watch Over the Moon on Friday, October 23.
The storyline of the Over The Moon:
Fei Fei’s parents filled her childhood with stories of a goddess named Chang, who lives on the moon. Years later, long after the death of his mother, when Fei Fei is still not comfortable with the idea of being a stepmother and stepmother, he goes from his childhood dreams to meet the goddess, far away from the planet. Moon. Her mother used to talk.
The official trailer of the Over The Moon:
The Over the Moon trailer promises a lot of fun and sharp promises, and the clip mainly focuses on our young heroine Fei Fei (Kathy Ang) as she struggles to build her homemade rocket. The premise is fictional but everything, at least in the first half of the trailer, is treated with realistic realism.
The voice cast of the Over The Moon:
- Cathy Ang as Fei Fei
- Robert G Chiu as Chin
- Phillipa Soo as Chang’e
- Ken Jeong as Gobi
- John Cho as Ba Ba
- Ruthie Ann Miles as Mother
- Margaret Cho as Auntie Ling
- Sandra Oh as Mrs Zhong
- Kimiko Glenn as Auntie Mei
- Artt Butler as Ma Ma