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Justice League: Snyder Cut Will Finally Arrive At HBO Max This Month

New Rumor Emerges That HBO Max Will Release First Snyder Cut Teaser Soon

When rumours seemed to indicate that the original Justice League cut – 41%, by Zack Snyder (300 – 60%, Watchmen, The Watchers – 65%, Sucker Punch: Surreal World – 24%), was about to be approved by Warner Bros., started the COVID-19 pandemic and the entertainment world came to a standstill. However, a new rumour says that with the next premiere of the streaming platform HBO Max we will see a short teaser of the Snyder Cut, in order to attract many fans to join and advertise this service.

Snyder Cut HBO Max release date: Leak reveals more bad news

Before we explore further, we must point out that the sources tell us that they cannot yet confirm it 100% and there is a possibility that the publication of Snyder’s photo will remain in the WB deposits for a little longer, but from what they have heard, are “quite certain” that the study is intended to be released and also believe that an official announcement from Warner Bros. could arrive before the end of the year.

Warner Bros. doesn’t want to invest in the project that is a failure:

Other rumours that we have known in recent months are contradictory, on the one hand, it is said that the arrival of the Snyder Cut is getting closer, and on the other, it is said that in Warner Bros. they are fed up with the fans and their #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign because They don’t want to invest more money in a project that was a complete failure at the box office.

What we know for sure is that while most of the cut is done, there is a percentage that needs investment in special effects and additional photography. If it is true that the studio gives Zack Snyder money to finish his film, will all the actors be willing to shoot more scenes from a film that became a bitter experience? Those in charge of playing Batman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman have expressed their support for the director, but the actor who gave life to Superman has made it clear that Justice League is part of his past and simply wants to turn the page and move on.

What is the theme of Snyder Cut:

The theme of the Snyder Cut has many tired, even those who strongly support the campaign are branded as toxic fans, as demonstrated by the clip of the animated series Harley Quinn, where we see an overweight subject complaining about the politically correct nature of the series while proudly wearing a shirt that says #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. The idea that most Snyder fans are such people is deeply rooted and perhaps not too far removed from reality.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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