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Here’s What Warner Bros Said About The Production Shutdown Of The Batman Movie

Matt Reeves will have planned a solo film of Batman for the DC Fans. The film will star Robert Pattinson in the lead role. The fans are as of now eager to watch this film. It will likewise have other stars likes Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, John Turturro, Jeffrey Wright, Andy Serkis, and so on.

The Batman is scheduled to arrive for the fans on October 1, 2024. But it seems like the movie won’t release on the set release date as the production faces many delays. The production of the movie stopped again for a couple of weeks. Know what happened now?

The Production Has Stopped Again

The film production has apparently been ended once more! The reason for the unexpected halt of the production is that one of the main stars tested positive for the COVID-19. To assure that nobody else gets the virus, production has been promptly stopped to keep away from any further delays! With one of the cast getting the virus, the studio is taking safety measures and are stopping the production.

Robert Pattinson Has COVID-19, Halting The Batman Production | Vanity Fair
Source: Vanity

Here’s What Warner Bros Said

A cast member from the upcoming movie The Batman creation has tested positive for Coronavirus and is isolating. The production of the movie has been stopped.” No additional information was given by the studio about the cast member.

Why The Production Halted Again

While Warner Bros.has didn’t uncover the identity of the entertainer who has gotten the virus, they have recently reported that the cast member getting the virus caused the unexpected halt in the production. Notwithstanding, a few sources have been asserting that Robert Pattinson, who plays Batman himself, is the person who has tested positive!

While there’s still no affirmation about this above-expressed certainty, and it appears as though the studio wished to keep the identity of that one individual hidden for the time being, in addition, this postponement may prompt another release date pushed back. We are yet to find out about this until Warner Bros. makes any such declaration.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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