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Frozen 3: Will It Happen? Crucial Details About Next Installment

Frozen first released back in 2013 and nearly made fans wait for six years before the second installment hit in 2019 and Disney knew what they were doing and gave us a huge hit, Frozen 2 did wonder on the box office and broke all possible records.

So, let us talk about a possible third installment for Frozen.

One Reason Frozen 3 Hasn't Been Discussed Yet, According To One ...


Sadly no, Disney has not yet confirmed the third installment for Frozen, it took several years for Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck to get back to the Frozen franchise to create another magical movie and it means that it would take several years until Disney gets back on Frozen.

Frozen 2 became the highest-grossing animated movie in the history of animated movies and well it was bound to happen, the movie was simply gorgeous, it made $1.3 billion at the global box office.

When Lee was asked about the possibility of making a Frozen 3 she didn’t say much except that there is a possibility in the future for the franchise being picked up.

According to Lee, the story for Elsa and Anna has ended for now but as we say, never say never, right now she feels like the story has sufficed its purpose.

However, when we cast the movie all of the members would love to be back for a Frozen 3 and would love to reunite with the cast and crew.


We do have a confirmed Plot for Frozen 3 yet but we expect it to revolve around the lives of  Arendelle and Northuldra, the second installment did not deal with any villains so fans guess that Frozen 3 will have a huge villain.

We will keep our fans updated on the latest news about Frozen 3 and all the Disney plans for the future of the franchise until then continue reading with us!

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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