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Can We Expect Hela To Return In Thor Love And Thunder?

Thor: Love and Thunder are beginning to come together, and lots of are starting to marvel if they may see Cate Blanchett’s person go back withinside the subsequent sequel. After all, we know that the actress is definitely up for the role.

Speaking to Fandom in September, Blanchett gave a “sure” positive response when asked if she was considering an MCU comeback. Jack Black, who was present during the interview, also said:

“You’ve never seen him die, you’ve seen him go into a giant fireball.”

Kate also agrees with him and adds:

“There is always away, but I’m sure there is always a way to go, who knows? I never say anything.”

Thor: Ragnarok' cast in real life - Insider
Source: Insider

But what are the possibilities of this virtually happening?

Well, the ones we’ve heard are pretty good, as our sources told us that Marvel actually has plans to bring Hela back to the MCU, and it could happen in Love and Thunder.

The official release date of the Thor Love and Thunder:

When plans for Phase 4 were announced, the release of Thor: Love and Thunder was scheduled for November 5, 2024.

However, when Black Widow was delayed, all the Phase 4 movies were pulled from a release slot, so the fourth Thor movie was moved to February 18, 2024. But then we got some good news and its release. it ran from one week to February. February 11, 2024.

What we can see in Thor Love and Thunder?

Taika Waititi gave great details about the movie; Portman will appear as the first female Thor. We can get an idea of ​​the Korg culture. Vetti has assured us an incredible roller coaster of emotions and revelations about the character of Natalia.

The star cast of the Thor Love and Thunder:

  • Hemsworth returns as Thor
  • Tessa Thompson returns as Valkyrie
  • Portman will come back after sitting out from Thor: Ragnarok as Jane Foster, who has become Lady Thor
  • Christian Bale has been cast as the yet-unknown primary villain

See also  Doctor Strange 2: Here’s When Will The Movie Arrive And Who All Will Appear?

What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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