
Working Solutions to Fix IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal Error on Windows 10

If you’re a Windows 10 user, then you’ve probably experienced a Windows 10 bug that causes the IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal error message. This is a very common error, and you might have already encountered it once in the past, when you installed, uninstalled, or updated a program, or decided to do a system restore.

IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal error is a common error in Windows 10. It occurs on Windows 10 devices when the system gets into a bad state, due to a failure in Windows 10 or an errant application. Sometimes, this error is caused by a hardware component failure such as a power management controller failure.

Windows 10 is Microsoft’s latest operating system, and it is the most robust platform ever made. The build is incredibly stable, and it never crashes or hangs on me. However, some users experience “IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal” error when running some Windows apps. This error happens when system resources are limited or low in number. There are many possible causes for this error, and some of them include:

If you’re having trouble with the IRQL Not Less Or Equal Error on Windows 10, try these solutions.

The error code “IRQL Not Less Or Equal” is another blue screen of death bug that causes your computer to shut down unexpectedly. The IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL problem in drivers is common, especially when gaming or higher performance is required. This “IRQL Not Less Or Equal” error indicates that a device driver, antivirus software, or your system’s RAM may be malfunctioning.

IRQL_Not_Less_Or_Equal Error Preview

Preview of the IRQL Not Less Or Equal Error

Though it usually happens when you first turn on your computer, it can also happen in the middle of the day when you’re doing something important. It affects all versions of Windows, including Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 9, and Windows 10. You’ll have different options for identifying and resolving the BSOD problem depending on the cause. The blue screen of death, also known as the “IRQL Not Less Or Equal” issue, can be fixed in a variety of ways.

This article contains the following content:

The following are the most common causes of the IRQL Not Less Or Equal Error:

1. System files that are immoral:

The system files are corrupted and damaged as a result of malware or viruses in the installed software causing the system files to be damaged.

2. Drivers that aren’t compatible with the system:

If the driver is not compatible with the new software after installation, BSOD occurs.

3. Hardware that is defective:

This type of error arises when the system’s hardware components, such as RAM and the motherboard, are damaged.

4. Incorrect program configuration:

The appropriate software for the program should be chosen; otherwise, if the software setup is incorrect, this type of error will occur.

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5. Infected operating system:

System files can become corrupted as a result of Windows updates and downgraded installations, resulting in corrupted data.

6. Excessively hot:

When the CPU becomes overheated, the system shuts down, resulting in this error.

Other factors include overclocking, reduced Windows setup, and so on.

Methods for Resolving the “IRQL Not Less Or Equal” Error:

System Drivers Should Be Updated:

To open the “Run Dialog Box,” first hit the “Windows + R” keys. Then type “devmgmt.msc” and press “Enter” to get the “Device Manager” option.

  • Then, to see system drivers, select a category.
  • On the next page, press on the “Driver” tab and hit on the Update Driver>Find For Upgraded Driver Software.
  • Then, double-check the drivers, and finally, upgrade all of them.
  • If you don’t find the right “Driver,” you can remedy the situation by uninstalling the unethical “Driver.”
  • If the “Update System Driver” approach does not work, try the following method (Windows 10 in Safe Method).


Device Manager Disk Drives

Windows 10 in a Secure Mode:

  1. First and foremost, you must hit the “Shift” button.
  2. Then, you have to go to the Windows Start menu>Power button.
  3. Then press the “Restart” button after pressing the “Shift” button.
  4. Select it now, and then continue by selecting the “Advanced” Options.
  5. On the next page, you are about to select the “Startup” Settings, and select Restart>Safe Mode button.
  6. Finally, see if the irql not less or equal issue is associated with the Blue Screen of Death.


In the Command Prompt, select Safe Mode.

Remove Your Antivirus:

McAfee and Zone’s Alarm, according to Windows experts, are problematic. As a result, we recommend that you uninstall them. Your problem will be resolved if you uninstall your antivirus software. To uninstall the antivirus, follow the instructions outlined below:

  • To begin, hit the “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” keys to bring up the “Task Manager” menu.
  • Look for the option “McAfee/Zone Alarm.”
  • Select the “End Task” tab after pressing the app.
  • In the search bar of Cortana, type in the control panel and press on the “Enter” button. Select Programs>Uninstall a program tab.
  • The IRQL Not Less Or Equal issue will now be resolved automatically if you search for “McAfee or Zone Alarm” and click on it.

Files That Have Been Corrupted Can Be Repaired:

  • Go to the “Start Menu of Windows” section, just as you would any other manner.
  • You’ll need to use the find bar to locate the command “cmd.”
  • Then, hit on the Command Prompt>Run as Administrative option.


As Administrator, Run Command Prompt

  •  After that, you must select the “SFC” option.
  • You can now restart your Windows 10 PC after completing the procedure.
  • Now, after you’ve opened the computer, see if the irql not less or equal error appears.
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Activate the Hardware Problem Solver:

  • The “Settings” option, which is found under the “Start menu” option, must be selected.
  • Now, press on the “Update & security” tab available on the Settings page to proceed.
  • Then select the Hardware and Devices tab from the Troubleshoot menu.
  • Then, to proceed, press the “Run the troubleshooter” button.


The System’s Troubleshooting

  • Now you must wait for the PC to identify the problems.
  • If there is a problem after the scanning procedure, it will appear on your screen. Then, please select the issue you’d want to address.

How to Reset Your Computer

If none of the other ways work, the only option is to reset the computer. Keeping your files safe while restarting your machine and reinstalling Windows. Because this solution will take a long time to complete, patience is required. If it still doesn’t work, you’ll need to reinstall your operating system.

  1. First, press on the Start button. Then, select Settings> Update & Security option.
  2. Then select “Recovery” from the menu options.
  3. If you select the “Get started” tab, your computer will be reset immediately.

SFC/Scannow should be run:

  • To begin, open the “Command Prompt” by typing “CMD” into the Windows search box, and then selecting the “Run As Administrator” tab.
  • Then, press the “Enter” key to run the SFC/Scannow command.


In the Command Prompt, type scannow

  • Allow some time for the procedure to be completed. Finally, exit the Command Prompt and restart the computer.

Uninstall VPN software:

This “IRQL Not Less Or Equal” issue can also be caused by older VPN software. Now you must upgrade the VPN software and verify whether or not the problem has been resolved. If the problem persists, the software must be removed. With the help of the following points, you can remove the VPN software:

  1. To begin, open the “Open Control Panel.”
  2. Then, in the search box, type “Programs and Features” and press the tab.
  3. Select the option to uninstall the VPN and restart your computer.

Cool Your Computer Down:

  • Your RAM, GPU, and CPU are all set to run at a specific temperature.
  • To prevent harm to the RAM, CPU, or GPU, your PC will now shut down instantly via a BSOD.
  • You must now cool your PC during the cooling process.
  • Any device, including your gaming mouse and keyboard, can be affected.
  • You may also check your game folders by launching your Game Launcher > Settings > check game effects for many games.
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Getting Rid of Malware:

If you receive an IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error while installing software, it is likely that a virus is contained in the installed software. The software you installed is most likely to be uninstalled.

The steps to correcting this issue are outlined below.

Step 1: Go to the start menu and select settings from the drop-down menu.


Checking For System Preferences

Step 2) Once you’ve gotten into the settings, click on apps to see a list of available apps.

Step 3) In the apps, go to the apps and features section and sort it by install date on the right side.

Step 4) After sorting, uninstall the software you installed most recently based on the date.

Using the Memory Diagnostic Tool in Windows:

There’s a chance you’ll encounter an IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL error if your system’s RAM isn’t working properly. In this scenario, follow these steps to see if any errors remain in the RAM.

Step 1) Type windows memory diagnostic into the search bar, and it will appear on the screen. Click it.


The Windows Memory Diagnostic is displayed.

Step 2) After you’ve selected the tool, you’ll see Restart Now and Check for Problems, which you should select.


Examining for Issues

After you’ve completed these steps, you’ll need to wait a while for the process to finish. After the process is completed, the system displays the problem on the screen, and if there is no problem, nothing is displayed on the screen.

Final Thoughts:

The IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL issue is becoming worse by the day. Typically, this BSOD issue appears to be caused by incorrect Windows system files, hardware issues, or driver issues. Though, in many cases, the RAM is the source of the problem (Random Access Memory). As a result, the problem can be simply solved utilizing the approaches listed above. To remove this error from your system, you can use any of the techniques listed. You can leave a comment below if you find any more alternatives that arise with the “IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL” problem and other strategies to solve it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix Irql error?

This error is caused by a faulty or incompatible device driver. If you are using Windows 10, try updating your device drivers.

What Causes Stop Code Irql_not_less_or_equal?

This error is caused by a driver issue. It can be caused by faulty hardware, or it can be caused by a faulty software driver.

How do I fix kernel security check failure?

The kernel security check failure is a common issue that can be fixed by rebooting your computer.

What do you think?

Written by Vaibhav Sharda