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Vikings: Is There Any Chance For The Revival Of Historical Drama Series For Season 7?

Here is every information that a fan of Vikings needs to know about the seventh installment of the show!

Well, well, well, as all the people who are in love with the series called Vikings know that it is a History channel show. The genre of Vikings excels in the department of fantasy, action as well as adventure.

The show tries to throw the entire spotlight on the Viking warriors and their unique ways in their strong world. We all witness in the sixth installment where the time is set exactly after the war for Kattegat and Bjorn Ironside (The role of Alexander Ludwig) has won it and freed all the people who previously were held under the tyrannical rule done by Ivar Lothbrok (The character of Alex Hogh Anderson) for such a long time.

Here is what the story of Vikings has all been about!

As the new leader of Kattegat, Bjorn then struggles to fill the shoes of his dead father in the form of a king while he was also facing various dilemmas and was toying with the idea that might put a shade on his morals. All this while, we see that Ivar Lothbrok was trying to get away from his tragic past. We witness him traveling down the silk road that eventually leads him into Russia.

Vikings Full Episodes, Video & More | HISTORY

The sixth season of Vikings averaged a rating of 0.20 in the demographic scale that ranges from 18 to 49 while only 1.08 million viewers happened to watch it. If we compare this with the ratings that were garnered by the fifth installment of Vikings, then this score is less by 56 percent which is not good.

Has Viking been renewed yet for a seventh season?

Well, if we go on and discuss the renewal status of the show, then you all must know that here lies a piece of disappointing news for you all. It has already been announced by History TV network that the sixth season is going to be the last one in the franchise and this is how we all know that Vikings is never going to return to us with a seventh installment.

Well, on the positive side, there surely is a seventh series that has been put under the process of development at the streaming giant Netflix.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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