
How to Configure RAID in Windows 11?

Windows 8 expanded on the concept of RAID by adding the ability to boot from a RAID-enabled SSD drive. This was fine for desktop platforms, but for laptops, this meant removing the SATA drives and replacing them with a single large SSD. The result is a difficult process that requires some knowledge of RAID and a number of steps.

One of the things that can be difficult when setting up a RAID in Windows is the ability to make the appropriate configuration changes. It is often assumed that with the ability to create a RAID in the system by simply pointing the computer at the drives that you can leave the settings alone. In some cases, this may be the case, but in most cases, you are better off making the configuration changes once the RAID is set up.

RAID is a popular way to provide extra storage for your computer. It means having multiple hard drives that are combined together to work as a single drive. RAID in its most basic form is a simple data striping scheme that combines multiple hard drives into a single logical drive. In Windows, there are several different RAID implementations available, including RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, and RAID 6. It’s common for these drives to be referred to as “disks” or “disks”, even though they’re actually logical drives.

In this article, you will learn How to Configure RAID in Windows 11? You can do it using the storage Pool and storage spaces. So, we will Create & Configure Pool of Storage in Windows 11.

If your computer’s storage space is running low, you can connect extra hard drives to it. You can utilize those several hard drives individually if you like, but you can also combine them into one single hard disk. The same thing is happening in servers now; they’re consolidating numerous hard drives into a single hard disk, but with more intricate settings, such as RAID. Now, there are several sorts and additions to RAID technology that you should be aware of. To learn more, go to this page.

The procedure I’m describing in this step-by-step explanation is actually carried out on a virtual hard disk. However, if you are using a desktop, you can do this setup, but I would probably recommend that you check if your PC motherboard can support the raid controller first. If it supports the red controller, you can use the raid controller settings to merge all of these drives into a single hard disk. You will also be able to execute a clean installation of the Windows operating system on all multiple drives that are treated as if they were a single disk in this manner.

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Now, if you’ve used a tower server, you’ll know that the RAID technology, or the RAID controller, is built into the motherboard of such servers, and I’ve tested it. It’s incredibly efficient, and I use it on the Tower server with the red 10.

How to Set Up RAID in Windows 11

Step 1: Connect an external hard drive or utilize a virtual hard drive.

On Windows 11, you have the option of using external hard drives or virtual hard disks to build a storage pool. I’m going to use a virtual hard disk in this tutorial, so I’ll need to create one first. Open the disk management to create a virtual hard disk. You can access disk management by typing Diskmgmt.msc in the run dialog box, or by right-clicking on the start menu and selecting disk management.


Management of Open Disks

To make a virtual hard disk, go to the action menu and select VHD (virtual hard disk).


Make a VHD

By selecting Browse, you can save the VHD to a specific location. Then enter the size of the virtual hard drive you want; in my case, I’m going to set 5GB of storage. You must also select VHDX in addition to dynamically allocated, which is also recommended.


VHDX is a sort of hard disk that you can create.

  • VHD stands for Virtual Hard Drive, and it’s a term that’s still used in older operating systems. You can create a Virtual Hard Drive with a storage capacity of up to 2TB.
  • VHDX stands for Virtual Hard Drive X, and it was created to replace VHD. It can accommodate a virtual hard disk with a capacity of up to 64TB.
  • Fixed Size: As the name implies, it stores a set amount of data on a physical machine. If you establish a Virtual Hard Disk with 10 GB of storage, it will immediately take up 10 GB of physical storage.
  • Dynamically Expanding: As the name implies, it will grow the specified amount of storage as it is used over time. Assume that if I establish a 5GB of virtual storage, the actual hard drive will only take up about 4 MB.
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The Actual HDD’s VHDX Size

Also, keep in mind that you’ll need at least two virtual hard drives to set up a storage pool in Windows 11. So, using the same procedure and the same settings, I’m going to build four virtual hard disks. As a result, the number of virtual hard drives you choose to create is entirely up to you.

Configure RAID in Windows 11

Virtual Hard Disks (VHD)

Step 2: Using the Windows 11 Settings, create a Storage Pool.

If you’re using Windows 11, you should be aware that the storage pool has been moved from the control panel to the Windows settings. You can also access the storage pool from the control panel. I’m confident that the control panel will be removed soon.

Step #1. To access the storage pool in windows 11 settings, open windows settings> under the system settings click storage. Once you open the storage, Scroll down to the end and choose advanced storage settings, and then you will see the storage spaces.

Configure RAID in Windows 11

In Windows 11, go to the Storage Space section of the Windows Settings menu.

Step 2: To make a storage pool, click on the storage spaces and then select Create a Storage Pool from the drop-down menu.

Configure RAID in Windows 11

Make a Storage Pool

Step #3. When you click Create a Storage Pool and Storage Space, the settings window will open, prompting you to select the VHDs you just generated. Also, give the storage pool a name; I’ll use the name storage pool 1 as an example.

Configure RAID in Windows 11

To create a storage pool, select VHDs.

Step #4: Now it’s time to customize the storage pool settings. Give the storage space a name and make a decision on its size and resiliency. Remember that the size of the storage pool can be larger than the size of the size of the size of the size of the size of the size of the size of the size of the size of the size All four VHDs are visible in the screenshot below, with a total size of 17.93 GB. You are free to increase the amount to any size you like. However, I would prefer not to do so because it may cause problems at work.

There are various options for Resiliency; at the time, the two-way mirror is the best option. Because it is the safest method of preventing data loss.

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Configure RAID in Windows 11

Configure the Storage Pools

Windows 11 features the same resiliency settings as Windows 10, but it also has Dual-Parity, which is a RAID 6 feature. I got a screenshot of these resiliency settings from Windows 10 since you need to understand them. I hope it proves to be beneficial to you.


Explained: Storage Pool Resiliency Settings

Step #5: Now you must create a label, select a drive letter, and finally select a file system. In terms of file systems, I’ll choose NTFS.

Configure RAID in Windows 11

Configure the storage pool’s label and file system.

The storage pool drive may be seen here, and I’ve loaded some data into it.


Storage Pool


RAID is without a doubt one of the most advanced technologies I’ve ever seen; it allows you to combine numerous hard drives into a single disk and use it whatever you want. However, on a home computer running Windows 11, RAID is limited to a certain range, but it can still combine all those hard drives into a single hard drive, albeit you can’t install Windows on it. To set up RAID in Windows 11, go to the advanced storage settings, create a pool, then combine them using the resiliency settings, and then setup the file system. That’s all there is to it.

Raid is a fast, reliable and cost effective storage solution that is commonly used by medium to large sized businesses. In this lesson, we will discuss each element of a RAID-1 and explain how to configure it.. Read more about windows 10 raid 0 boot drive and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you set up a RAID?

A RAID is a redundant array of independent disks. Its a way to increase the reliability and performance of your storage system by adding multiple hard drives that are connected together so that if one fails, the data will still be available on another drive.

How do I find RAID configuration in Windows?

In Windows, the RAID configuration can be found in Disk Management. To open Disk Management, click on the Start Menu and type disk management into the search bar.

How do I add a RAID to an existing system?

To add a RAID to an existing system, you must first remove the current hard drive. Then you can install the new hard drive and then re-install Windows on it.

What do you think?

Written by Vaibhav Sharda