
Firewood Storage Tips & Guidelines For Homeowners

Spring is a time when homeowners across the country start to think about storing wood for the upcoming winter. While there are many options, not all of them are practical or safe. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best tips and guidelines for storing wood safely and effectively.

Choosing the Right Size Firewood Storage Container

If you are like most homeowners, you probably have a lot of firewood stored in various places around your home. But is storing your wood in manageable piles the best way to go? Not always!

There are many factors to consider when choosing a proper storage container for your firewood, including:

– The size of your pile.

– The amount of space you have available.

– How much wood you will use each year.

– Your climate and outdoor conditions.

The good news is that there are many different sizes and types of storage containers available, so it is easy to find one that fits your needs. Here are some tips on how to choose the right size container for your wood:

  1. Get an idea of how much wood you will need. Firewood needs to be dry before using it, so get an estimate of how much wood you will use each year. You can also calculate this number by multiplying the length, width and height of the firebox in your fireplace by the average diameter of a cord of wood (roughly 4 feet). This will give you an approximate amount of cubic feet required. Also keep in mind that if you have a large firebox or if the dimensions vary from year to year, more than one cord may be needed.
  2. Check the dimensions of different storage containers on the market. Most containers range in size from 8 cubic feet up to 55 cubic feet capacity. Make sure that the container you select can hold the wood you will be storing.
  3. Consider the climate and outdoor conditions where you live. Firewood stored in a container in the garage may be fine during winter, but may not be suitable for storage outside in summer.
  4. Consider the space you have available. Firewood should be stacked neatly so that it does not take up a lot of space.
  5. Decide whether you want to stack the wood or pile it up. Stacked wood is easier to access and move, but it can become cluttered if not kept clean. Piled wood is harder to move, but easier to see if there is a fire.
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When it comes to purchasing a storage container for your firewood, it is important to consider all of the factors listed above. By doing so, you will be able to choose a storage container that is both efficient and convenient. Firewood by the cord is the most popular, but it’s also the most expensive. You can also buy smaller quantities of wood at a time, which is convenient if you only need small amounts of wood on occasion.


How to Stack Firewood?

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably have a stack of firewood in your backyard that you use during the winter. But how do you store it so it lasts as long as possible?

There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to stack your wood properly:

  1. Keep it dry: The most important thing is to keep your wood as dry as possible. Even if you only use firewood occasionally, it’s best to store it in a place that is constantly kept dry. This means storing it inside or in an area with good drainage.
  2. Stack your wood evenly: When stacking your wood, make sure that the pieces are evenly spaced and that they’re not too high or too low. This will help them stay stable and prevent them from leaning against each other, which can cause them to start burning together.
  3. Don’t stack the wood against metal objects: If you have any metal objects around your yard, be sure not to stack the firewood against them. This can cause sparks to fly and start a fire.
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Tips for Safe Firewood Storage

If you are heading out to the forest to collect firewood this winter, be sure to follow these safe storage tips:

– Stack firewood in a dry, rodent-proof area away from your home.

– Store a three-quarter cord of wood (120 pounds) or less per person.

– Keep cut limbs and branches separated so they do not create a tinder pile.

– Only use properly seasoned and dry firewood. Check for identify marks on the logs before purchase.

– Do not stack cord wood aboveground; build a small fire using only the bottom layers.


Season Your Wood Before Storage

If you are going to store your wood for any length of time, it is important to season your wood before storage. Seasoning your wood will help prevent moisture from building up and causing rot or other damage.

To season your wood, you will need to do the following:

  1. Clean your wood of any dust or dirt.
  2. Apply a coat of sealant or oil to the surface of the wood.
  3. Place the wood in a dry area for at least two weeks.


For homeowners, ensuring they have a proper firewood storage system in place can make a world of difference not only when it comes to keeping their home warm during colder months, but also in preventing costly fires from occurring. Here are some tips and guidelines for storing your firewood properly:

– Always use a rain barrel or other water catchment system to store wet wood; this will help prevent moisture build-up and potential structural damage.

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– Designate one area of your property as the firewood storage area; do not stack the logs higgledy-piggledy.

– Keep all branches and limbs trimmed so that they do not come into contact with each other or the logs; this will help keep sparks away from the wood and limit the possibility of a blaze.

– Make sure there is adequate space between the logs so that heat does not accumulate on any given surface, which could lead to an outbreak of fire.

What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane