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Cowboy Bebop Live Action: Is The Project In Early Development?

Cowboy Bebop is considered to be the OG anime and is one of the most popular ones and Netflix has taken up the role of bringing us this anime in a Live-Action series, doesn’t this sound exciting? Well to us it surely does.

So, without wasting any time let us get into all the details we have on the remake. Watch Cowboy Bebop - Complete Series | Prime Video


Shinichiro Watanabe’s 1998 classic Cowboy Bebop has been on every big studious list to be converted into a live-action movie and Keanu has been sought to be related to this project for a really long time but nothing really happened with it.

Finally, now we have exciting news for all the fans as Netflix is all set to up with a live-action series out of the anime and we can not wait to see what Netflix has planned for the series.


Cowboy Bebop revolves around a bounty hunter Cowboy named Spike Spiegel who is on a mission to colonized Mars, along with his partners Jet Black and Faye Valentine on the spaceship Bebop, it is a very exciting and adventurous plot and we are super excited to see how it all comes together in a live-action.

Currently, the show is in its early production so we do not have many details but we hope to get them soon once the production will begin, we are also hoping to see a fantastic cast begin to set for the show.

That is all we know so far we will keep fans updated on the latest news about the transformation of Cowboy Bebop from anime to live-action until then continue reading with us!

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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