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Winner Declared For The Voice Season 18 Amidst Technical Problems

The fans of the TV series, The Voice, have now seen the winner of the eighteenth season, and here are its updates!

Well, well, well, even a massive pandemic like this one itself does not have enough strength to hold back the end of The Voice season eighteen on NBC.

Back on the night of Tuesday, we were brought to the finale of the show, even with all the coaches and contenders making their final appearances from the comfort of their homes.

Here is the coach who won this competition!

The order of the Top 5, or you can even say the Final five if you wish to, is going to get revealed based on the audience vote from bottom to top with a champion finally being named at the end of the episode.

Now the question remains, which coach is out front to win the eighteenth installment of The Voice. Fans are well aware of the fact that Kelly Clarkson has managed to prevail three of the past four seasons while John Legend has one championship.

Blake Shelton should be considered an all-time leader because he has six of them, but all this time, it is sort of a rookie season for the youngster Nick Jonas.

Here is a list of all the songs that each of the five teams opted for!

Down below is the list of songs that were chosen by the various teams for their performances.

  • Team Kelly chose the songs Chasing Cars as well as Butterflies by Micah Iverson.
  • Team Nick chose the songs What a Wonderful World along with Sedona by Thunderstorm Artis.
  • Team Legend chose Purple Rain as well as Save It For Tomorrow by Camm Weiss.
  • Team Blake chose the songs Faithfully along with My Superhero by Toneisha Harris.
  • Todd Blake chose the songs I Can Only Imagine as well as Long Way Home by Todd Tilghman.

Here is who won The Voice!

Well, the winner of The Voice season 18 was Todd Tilghman, and thus, Blake has been able to win his seventh title as a coach, and the family of Todd got ecstatic.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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