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Will The Premiere Of Black Widow Be Delayed By The Coronavirus?

Will The Coronavirus delay the Premiere Of Black Widow?

With the impact that the coronavirus has had in Hollywood, it was feared that more films would postpone their release dates as MGM did for 007: No Time To Die, being Black Widow the one that generated the most doubts. However, according to sources, it does not seem that Disney and Marvel have plans to delay the release of the film that is expected in May of this year.

Black Widow is one of the strongest premieres of May along with the new movie of the Fast and Furious: F9 while the Marvel film awaits its premiere on May 1.

Although there are still two months left for both films…

Although there are still two months left for both films, March is a pivotal month to see how the global box office will be handled under the influence of COVID-19. That is why measures are being taken so that the worldwide spread of the virus does not seriously affect the industry, since the release of a film that cannot be seen, brings terrible repercussions to the box office.

Losses at the box office would come mainly from the Asian audience, since the success of films such as 007Black Widow and F9 is linked to revenues outside the United States, specifically in Asian markets. With the collapse of booming markets such as South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Hong Kong and China it was not possible to afford such losses since, in the case of the last James Bond film, there would be terrible consequences for MGM.

Disney did not worry about aspects like the previous one and decided to keep the premiere as originally raised, this because Marvel movies are guaranteed successes for the company.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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