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The Mandalorian Season 2: Is Boba Fett Returning?

Mandalorian Season 2 landed Temuera Morrison to play Boba Fett.

The famous bounty hunter has been one of the most popular Star Wars characters since 1980 The Empire Strikes Back, making him an instant fan favorite for his impressive looks and suspense. Although Boba didn’t do much on-screen work, most viewers were eager to see him more on various Star Wars projects. In fact, John Favreau cited a reason why he intended to take advantage of The Mandalorian in the vacuum left by the Boba Fett propaganda.

Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012

There has been an endless stream of rumors about a Boba Fate movie (which was at one point received by Josh Trank). James Mangold was recently brought up directing the Boba Fate spin-off, but those discussions came to an end after the box office bombing of Solo: A Star Wars Story. But now, Boba is finally ready to return, and it will be at Disney’s flagship show.

THR reports that Morrison joined Mandorian Season 2 to play the role of Boba Fate.

Fans will remember that Morrison played Bounty Hunter Jango Fate in Attack of the Clones. That movie revealed that Boba is actually a capless clone of Jango, so Morrison returns to the Star Wars franchise to play the role of Boba as an adult. It also has a follow-up to the canonical special edition of The Empire Strikes Back, in which Morrison re-recorded Boba’s dialogue.

This news would certainly confirm that Boba managed to escape Sarlac’s well after Jeba’s return, which Disney Canon has yet to release. Materials like one of the later novels and even an episode from the first season of Mandalion (fans speculate that Boba was the mystery man at the end of “The Gunslinger”) have been loosely manipulated, but nothing definitive.

The character’s fate has yet to be revealed.

Of course, Boba may appear in a flashback, but the belief that Morrison has “a small role” that makes such a sound in Mandalion is more than a glorified cameo. In all likelihood, Boba will bump into Din Zarin in one or two episodes, but specific details are unknown. Hopefully, Mandalorian season 2 provides some resolution to the aforementioned “Gunslinger” thread.

Mandalorian casting is the second major thriller development for Mandalorian Season 2

The second reported on the distribution of Rosario Dawson as Ashoka for live-action. With Star Wars movies for a few years after The Rise of Skywalker, the Disney+ show should be the main attraction of the franchise, and Lucasfilm makes sure they generate a lot of interest. The Mandalorian took over the songwriter with Baby Yoda in Season 1, swinging toward the fence integrating classic Star Wars characters in Season 2 that fans have always wanted to see in between.

Source: THR/Screenrant

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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