BBC One premiered the drama series The Last Update on October 1, 2017. Peter Moffat produced the show with a British ensemble cast. The historical drama series is based on Aden Emergency (the British Forces’ armed insurgency during the Cold War). The plot revolves around the lives of the local people, and there is a unit of the Royal Military.
Peter Moffat is a well-known artist in the genre of historical drama. He had earlier written the BBC One series The Village and produced the British Undercover drama. The music was created by the band Solomon Gray, known as The Casual Vacancy, for its score (miniseries based on the novel of the same name by J.K. Rowling). In May 2018, the Last Post Season 2 was reported to have been canceled, making it a miniseries.
Renewal Status & Release Date:
On 1 October 2017, the Last Post Season 1 premiered. Sadly, it is the last season this series will have. BBC One agreed to break the series off early in season 1. Season 1 was transmitted until 5 November 2017.
In an interview, BBC announced the cancelation and said that even though The Last Post was a great story, they will not come back to share fresh ideas and new tales. The rating was also not good enough to renew the series for another season, according to BBC.
Cast Details:
The cast of The Last Post includes:
- Jessie Buckley as Honor Martin
- Jeremy Neumark Jones as Captain Joe Martin
- Tom Glynn-Carney as Tony Armstrong
- Jessica Raine as Alison Laithwaite
- Ouidad Elma as Yusra Saeed
- Stephen Campbell Moore as Ed Laithwaite
- Ben Miles as Harry Markham
- Louis Greatorex as Lance Corporal Paul Stoneham
- Amanda Drew as Mary Markham
- Chris Reilly as Alex Baxter
Plot Details:
The series ends with the arrival in Aden of Captain Joe Martin and his wife Honor. He replaces Captain Nick’s outgoing tab. Martin’s appointment is met with a response from the soldiers in command. We claimed that Lt Ed Laithwaite, who was already there, would have been made captain. Amid this distinction, Alison, who had an affair with the previous captain, becomes a friend to Laithwaite’s wife. Captain Page gets ambushed with his driver while attempting to kill an officer. After the ambush, the main target of the army is an insurgent chief called Starfish. We are supported in their role by the Royal Military Police.
The community also had Martha Franklin, an American reporter. Major Harry Markham underestimates the enemy, and the whole unit is caught directly. Markham faces a dilemma as he has to choose between the unit that is compromised and his wife, who has a difficult birth. Starfish pressures the American journalist to film a hideous atrocity. Instead, we hear that the paratroopers capture starfish. Major Markham ordered Captain Joe Martin to retrieve Martha Franklin’s video.