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The English Game: Will Season 2 Release On Netflix?

Set in the 19th century, ‘The English Game’ is a full-time professional player Fergus Suter, and Arthur Kinnard, ‘First Lord of Football’ in Respectively. It highlights the obscure past of the world’s most famous sport. The high-octane drama of the time was lauded for its historical accuracy, production design, performance, and its exploration of classical and patriarchal subjects.

This series, by the creator Julian Fellows from Downton Abbey, shows the roots of this sport, particularly the roles of two men – Arthur Kinnaird’s rough tackle toff (Edward Holcroft) and Scot Fergus’s spirited Fergie (Kevin Guthrie).

Renewal Status:

Netflix has yet to officially order further episodes beyond the first six of The English Game. However, considering that the first season falls just on 20 March, the fans should not be too worried.

Streaming usually decides on the future of a series about a month after the last season is over, waiting 28 days to determine whether it meets its objectives.

Release Date:

Initially announced in April 2018, the English Game. Filming started in May 2019 during the first season, with the show landing 10 months later on Netflix.

Under normal circumstances, if the series were to be renewed in April / May, then scripting/pre-production for Season two might reasonably be projected to run through late 2024, likely with a release shoot early in 2024 later this year or early 2024.

Cast Details:

The cast of season 2 includes:

  • Guthrie as Fergus Suter
  • Edward Holcroft as Arthur Kinnaird
  • Niamh Walsh as Martha Almond

The supporting cast who might be joining:

  • Craig Parkinson
  • Charlotte Hope
  •  James Harkness
  • Sam Keeley
  • Gerard Kearns
  • Daniel Ings
  •  Henry Loyd Hughes
  •  Ben Batt

Plot Details:

The 1st season of the English Game tells a full tale, starting with Fergus Suter joining Darwen Football Club and Arthur Kinnaird’s first skirmish, and finishing with Suter’s new Blackburn Rovers who have won the FA Cup finals in Old Kinnaird, becoming the first team ever to raise the trophy.

However, the show could start as an anthology series and examine the early days of football in various locations and periods.

Could the roots of women’s soccer and the FA’s ban on women playing sports from 1921 to 1971 make a drama of choice? Or maybe the series should go international with a slight title change and introduce us to the Italian Game or the Brazilian Game.

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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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