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The Batman: Filming Finally Resumed!

The Batman resumes filming after being suspended for a positive COVID-19. Vanity Fair and Variety assured that the only infected person was Robert Pattinson. They had only been working for a few days after the lockdown break.

While all is looking good in Matt Reeves’ plans to bring Gotham’s Guardian back to the big screen, fate is not making it easy for him. When the pandemic disaster began in March, the production of the Batman had to be postponed along with the rest of the filming and, with the team assembled to return to work on September 1, a positive for coronavirus forced the workers to return home on day 3.

A member of the production of ‘The Batman’ has tested positive for COVID-19 and is isolating himself following established protocols, they officially confirmed from Warner with a brief statement that, according to Vanity Fair, hiding that the patient was not other than good Robert Pattinson.

Luckily, everything must have gone well and, although it has never been confirmed whether the protagonist was, in fact, the infected one, filming has resumed.

After a pause due to the precautions due to the COVID-19 quarantine, the filming of ‘The Batman’ has now resumed in the United Kingdom, they have confirmed from Warner.

The Batman is one of the most anticipated movies of 2024, with Robert Pattinson as the leading the star-studded cast as the new Batman. The trailer has already been dropped at DC FanDome and it was full of ‘vengeance.’

The Batman directed by Matt Reeves with a script by Peter Craig and the director himself, stars Robert Pattinson ( Batman ), Zoë Kravitz ( Catwoman ), Andy Serkis ( Alfred ), Colin Farrell ( Penguin ), Paul Dano ( Enigma ), John Turturro ( Falcone ) and Jeffrey Wright ( Gordon ). At this time, October 1, 2024, continues to be its official release date.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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