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TENET: Why The Movie Failed In America?

The pandemic severely affected Tenet’s earnings worldwide, but it has made a tepid advance at least at the foreign box office.

Tenet is apparently having some trouble succeeding at the United States box office. Of course, the leading cause is the pandemic that is being experienced, which generated several inconveniences. While in several cities of the country, the film has reached the billboards, Los Angeles and New York remain alien to any open cinema; the loss of these two large cities represents a significant drop in the film’s earnings.

Regardless, the tape reached a remarkable few million. Of course, these are not impressive numbers, as it is just barely managing to meet production costs. While bent Disney brand platform Mulan in Disney + to avoid further delays and losses, executives at Warner Bros. They stayed true to their vision and to the cinema chains, postponing the release and ensuring that the film was released sooner or later would reach theaters.

In some countries, Tenet appeared on the billboard on August 26 and in the United States on September 4; Since then, the box office revenue has been reported, but it has definitely not been as Warner Bros. expected under the best of circumstances.

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A failure in the same way

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Tenet reached the US $ 29 million at the local box office, while globally, it secures the US $ 207 million. It is worth mentioning that Warner Bros. has made an unexpected move.

The production company hides its film’s proceeds to control the panorama and prevent other studios from intervening with unwanted releases. In this way, Warner Bros. wants to carry out its production at any time. On the other hand, it has reported regularly on earnings in the rest of the world, and China is the nation that contributes the largest share to Tenet, giving the US $ 50 million and becoming the number one film on the billboard, very above Mulan, which the Chinese want to see or comment on.

The production company hides its film’s proceeds to control the panorama and prevent other studios from intervening with unwanted releases. In this way, Warner Bros. wants to carry out its production at any time. On the other hand, it has reported regularly on earnings in the rest of the world, and China is the nation that contributes the largest share to Tenet, giving the US $ 50 million and becoming the number one film on the billboard, very above Mulan, which the Chinese want to see or comment on.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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