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‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’: Here’s The Actual Reason Behind Disney Will Never #ReleaseTheJJCut Despite Of Petitions Signed

The two weeks mark of Star Wars: Skywalker’s Rise at the box office continues to heat controversy. The latest news contains comments by one of the editors Maryann Brandon, highlighting Disney’s growth of film production.

Then a Reddit article on January 1, 2024, stated that film playing in theaters is not like a film director, J. J. Abrams, to be made. Let’s look at how #ReleaseTheJJcut has taken over Twitter and why the source says fans won’t ever see the J. J. Cut if one exists.

#ReleaseTheJJcut, the trendy hashtag on Twitter stems from a campaign that started with the 2017 release of the Justice League. Warner Bros. requested the director Zack Snyder, who initially shot the film, to step aside and let Joss Whedon finish the script.

Image result for 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker': Here's The Actual Reason Behind Disney Will Never #ReleaseTheJJCut Despite Of Petitions Signed
Source: We Got This Covered

Most viewers and celebrities, therefore, claim, because of the cut scenes and the many changes made by Whedon, that the Justice League failed at the box office. Since 2017, dedicated fans have been calling for the release of the Snyder film from Warner Bros. This uses #ReleaseTheSnyderCut.

It seems like it happens again but with Star Wars this time: the rise of Skywalker. A recent Reddit post shows Disney’s various film changes, which Abrams has not acknowledged. Fans of Star Wars don’t worry about it. They went on social media for Disney #ReleaseTheJCut.

Fans are likely to see the additional 40 minutes of the film if they exist. The movie is only 2 hours and 22 minutes in theatres.

The controversy about Tran’s cut scenes has been a frequent subject since the film came out. Terrio explained that several of Tran’s views had been missing because Fisher’s old image— who died before filming Episode IX — was too choppy. Could Disney executives have decided to remove further aspects from Tran? Fans want to know the truth.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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