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Run Mac OS on Windows 10 In Virtual Machine

In the last few months, virtual machine software has become a popular tool for people who want to test different operating systems on a single system. Most of these apps emulate a single operating system, such as Windows or Ubuntu, but you can also recreate a complete operating system, such as macOS, in a virtual machine. And if you want to test macOS as well, you can do so by using VMware Fusion.

Last night I had a dream I was living in the future where I was a young girl living with my family. My family had a new computer that was powered by macOS. They did not have an internet connection so I decided to download the OS to see what it was like and how I could get internet.

I have been building my (virtual) machine for quite some time now – the one thing I’ve been lacking was a decent virtual machine for macOS (10.14). I’ve heard of VirtualBox, but I’m not sure if I want to invest in another package just to run macOS. With that being said, I do have a Windows 10/8/7 virtual machine.

Windows 10 is a fantastic operating system, but it does have some flaws. Even if you want Microsoft Windows 10, you may attempt getting an alternative version of the operating system from other businesses. But, other than a Virtual Machine, what is a safer and less expensive method to utilize a favorite operating system? You may run macOS within Windows 10 this way. In this post, we’ll show you how to run MacOS in a virtual machine on Windows 10.

Virtual Machine Requirements

  • To build a macOS Virtual Machine on Windows 10, you’ll need the following files. Before you begin the primary process, you must first install and download the required files.
  • You’ll also need a copy of MacOS, and Catalina is the most recent version of macOS for this purpose.

How to Install Windows 10 on a Computer


To run macOS Catalina on Windows, you’ll need an Intel core i3, i5, i7, or i9 CPU, as well as a minimum of four gigabytes of RAM.

  • Open the Start Menu and type anything into the search box.
  • Fill in the System details now.
  • At the top of the menu, choose System information.
  • Look to the right of the “Processor” heading for the processor’s name.
  • Look at the number to the right of the “Installed Physical Memory” header as you scroll down.
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Users may install Microsoft Windows on a Macintosh machine using the Macintosh operating system. However, such a platform is not supported on a PC. It is not feasible to install macOS on Windows natively.

Thankfully, utilizing a software emulator may help you avoid such technical difficulties. This effectively fools macOS into believing it is running on MAC hardware. Learn how to run macOS on Windows to boost productivity and make your computer capable of running applications from both platforms.

How to Install and Run Mac OS X on Windows 10


Step 1

To begin, go to the left-hand corner of your system screen and press the “Start Menu” button. After that, choose “My Computer.” Now, right-click on the C and D drives and choose “Properties” for each drive. Click “Defragment Now” on the Tools tab. This will scan your whole hard disk as well as re-arrange the Windows data files once it has been optimized.

Step 2

The PearPC PowerPC Architecture Emulator is available for download. This download may take many hours, depending on your Internet connection. The PearPc software is free and open-source. PearPC will build a Mac hardware emulation on your PC, allowing you to install and operate macOS.

Step 3

In your web browser, open the PearPC file that you downloaded. The content of the file is automatically extracted and saved to your local hard disk. Following that, the dialogue box will prompt you to choose the place where you want the files to be extracted.

Step 4

Make a copy of your macOS X installation disk as a disk image. You’ll need the original installation disc to fulfill all legal requirements for installing the Mac operating system.

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Open the macOSX installation Disc using a professional disc copier (such as Nero or Toast) or the standard disc copy application on your PC or Mac utility software that came with your machine. Select “Create Disk Image” from the “File” menu.

Step 5

Save the disc image to your installation location to start PearPC. If you generated the disk image on a different computer, transfer it to the Windows-based PC where you want to install macOS using a USB cable, flash driver, or CD/DVD disk.

Step 6

Open the PearPC program that you saved to your computer’s desktop. Click “Create New Configuration File” on the welcome page.

Step 7

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. PearPC will ask you to find the MacOS X disk image as well as the original PearPC data files that you saved (on your Desktop).


Complete the installation by clicking “Next” and following the instructions in the dialog box. Close the dialogue box only after the installation is finished. The PearPC emulator will put a MacOS X icon on your Windows desktop after the installation is complete.

Step 8

On your desktop, double-click the MacOS X icon. This will start the PearPC emulator and the MacOS X installation DVD.

Step 9

In the dialog box that opens, follow the MacOS X installation instructions. The installation disk image is launched from inside the PearPC emulation program and behaves just as it would if it were operating on Mac hardware natively. Because you’re using an emulator, the MacOS may not run as quickly as it would on a real Mac.

Step 10

When the macOS installation is finished, turn off the emulator and restart your computer. On a Windows PC, you now have a fully functioning clone of the macOS X operating system.

When you need to utilize a Mac application that needs the MacOS, start the emulator and your copy of the MacOS.

Alternatives to PearPC Power PC Emulator

If you want to use another emulator to run macOS on Windows 10, you may do so since there are a number of alternatives to PearPC Power PC emulator accessible on the internet. We’ll go through a few of them that are compatible with Windows 10.

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Quick EMUlator, commonly known as QEMU, is an open-source emulator that, like the PearPC Power PC, is free to download from its own website. Windows, Linux, macOS, and BSD are all possible platforms for the program. The app’s UI is straightforward, and you can simply adjust its settings in Windows.

2. Bochs

Bochs is a fantastic emulator that may be used in place of PearPC PowerPC is also an open-source program that may be downloaded for free. The emulator was written mostly in the CC+ programming language and is open-source under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Processor, memory, disk, Ethernet, BIOS, and hardware peripherals are the major components it supports.

3. Xhypervior


Xhypervior is an open-source type 1 hypervisor for Windows and Linux that primarily seeks to provide a monolithic, lightweight, and portable virtualization solution. You may get it for free from its official website without paying a single cent to anybody. The application’s interface is very simple to use; anybody may select its settings and begin a visualization without difficulty.

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If you want to run macOS on your Windows device then you should follow the right way to do it and not the others. However, it’s not easy to run it on Windows 10 without any third party application.. Read more about macos catalina virtualbox and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you run macOS on a virtual machine?

Yes, you can run macOS on a virtual machine.

How do I run a Mac virtual machine on Windows 10?

There are a few ways to do this. You can use Boot Camp, Parallels Desktop, or VMware Fusion.

Can I install macOS on VirtualBox?

Yes, you can install macOS on VirtualBox.

What do you think?

Written by Vaibhav Sharda