The drama series, Young Wallander, is arriving on the broadcasting giant Netflix’s platform soon. The upcoming series takes inspiration from author Henning Mankell’s work. Fans and followers of Henning Mankell’s work are looking forward to watching the series on the broadcasting giant’s platform soon. Here is everything we know about the arrival of the drama series, Young Wallander, on Netflix.
Young Wallander: When Will The Drama Series Arrive On The Broadcasting Giant’s Platform?
The drama series, Young Wallander, based on the work of Henning Mankell, is arriving on the broadcasting giant’s platform soon. The drama series with six episodes will be available for the viewers from September 3 this year.
Young Wallander: Has Netflix Released The Trailer Of The Drama Series?
The broadcasting recently released the trailer of its upcoming drama series, Young Wallander. The trailer gives the viewers a glimpse into what to expect from the new series with covert surveillance, car explosions, and murders.
Young Wallander: What Is The Premise Of The Upcoming Drama Series?
The upcoming drama series revolves around a young detective named Kurt Wallander. Over the years, the character of Kurt Wallander has been reboot several times. The Netflix drama series serves as a prequel to the famous detective series. Young Wallander is a street cop who lives on a troubled estate in the town of Ystad. One day the young cop witnesses a hate crime at his doorsteps.
The upcoming series shows how the young Wallander became the famous detective Kurt Wallander. Young Wallander begins with a newly graduated police officer Kurt Wallander, who has been assigned his first case. He is in his early twenties and has a lot to learn. His personal and professional experiences shape his future as he goes on to become a well-known detective Kurt Wallander.
Young Wallander: Who Are The Part Of The Cast Of The Upcoming Drama Series?
The cast of the upcoming drama series, Young Wallander, includes Adam Pålsson as Kurt Wallander, Leanne Best as Frida Rask, Richard Dillane as Superintendent Hemberg, and Jacob Collins-Levy as Karl-Axel Munck.
Directed by Ole Endresen and Jens Jonsson, the first season of the drama series, Young Wallander will premiere on Netflix on September 3.