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Little Boy Who Hasn’t Been Fed For Found Dead Covered In Vomit

A young boy found dead weeks after he vanished

The 9-year-old, who disappeared earlier this week, has long been the victim of unbearable torture and neglect by his stepmother, and the boy’s father did nothing to help his son.

According to the sources, Emrik Osuna was found unanswered in an apartment in Meridian, Idaho on Tuesday evening. Prosecutor Tamara Kelly allegedly said in court on Thursday that the 9-year-old boy was covered in bruises and suffered “terrible torture” by his mother. His heart didn’t beat when first responders arrived, and despite efforts to save him, he wasn’t revived.

According to police reports, the boy was clearly malnourished and was vomiting from his mouth.

The stepmother confessed that she hit the boy multiple times

Kelly also claimed that the boy’s stepmother, Monique Osuna, 27, confessed to police that she kicked and beat the boy with a variety of items, including a frying pan, belt, and leash, which his stepmother he would say he used it because it was “heavier” than the belt.

In recent months, when the boy was distance learning due to the coronavirus pandemic and Monique Osuna was working from home, she would presumably have him do wall exercises and jump while working. The boy’s father, Eric Osuna, claimed that Emrik was only given rice and water to drink in the weeks before his death.

Charges against Monique and Eric

Monique Osuna is accused of first-degree murder. Eric Osuna is charged with a serious crime against a child, which resulted in serious personal injury and destruction of evidence.

The prosecutor allegedly told the court that the boy was indeed a prisoner of his stepmother’s abuse during the pandemic and that his father did nothing to stop him.

The couple is also accused of failing to provide medical assistance to the boy. The detectives have reportedly received text messages revealing that Eric wrote to Monique on Tuesday to inform them that they had to take Emrick to the hospital.

According to the report, the couple has three other children who are now in the care of Idaho Health and Welfare. Any suspect is held on $ 2 million bails.

It is unclear from the report whether the coroner performs an autopsy to determine the boy’s cause of death.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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