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Kentucky Mother Sentenced For 25 Years For Producing Inappropriate Videos With Her 9-Year-Old Daughter

A mother is found guilty of making child-adult movies in Kentucky

Kentucky’s mother was sentenced to 25 years in prison on Thursday for producing child-adult movies involving children as young as 9 months old, the US Attorney reported.

Paige Cagle, 26, pleaded guilty in January for some reason but confessed to having physically abused a child between 9 months and 1 1/2 years old and made two videos of abuse while living in Joplin, in the state Missouri, and three others while in Clark County, Kentucky.

Kaiglo confessed that she shared images and videos with other people too

Kaiglo also claimed to share these videos with other people via Dropbox and admitted to being more inappropriate images of girls between the ages of 4 and 13.

Cagle’s plea bargain states that a third party informed the police that she had received adult images from Cagle on March 1, 2019. She was accused in April of this year.

According to the probable reason for the oath made in the case, the third part of Cagle’s ex-friend is who knew her when she lived in Missouri and was prosecuted for obtaining child-adult videos. She told investigators that she had received the material from Cagle, who was then living in Kentucky.

Charges for the crime

The sworn statement states that the girl shown in the video from 9 months to 1 year and a half was her daughter. She also told investigators that she had been mistreated as a child and had seen child-adult movies since she was a teenager and wanted to quit.

According to the United States prosecutor’s office, Kagle must serve 85 percent of her life  (21 years and 3 months) and will be sentenced to life in prison.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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