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Iain Glen’s Batman Is Returning To Titans Season 3

Batman has been elusive on the small screen for a long time.

At Arrowverse, he’s an almost exclusive off-screen presence, with Gotham watching a Bruce Wayne pre-bat suit and the Titans holding him on the wings for much longer for the first two seasons. More specifically, Batman appeared in some flashbacks, seen in a fantasy sequence in Finale of Titans Season 1, and finally appeared in its entirety in the second season played by lain Glen of Game of Thrones.

Glenn gave us an interesting version of the character, as cold and insulating as the traditional portrayal of an old Bruce Wayne and giving him some real warmth (even if his American accent is a little). This pushes the role away a bit, but it looks like it was popular enough to return to next season 3.

Yes, Glenn will be back and we know that thanks to Boris Mojowski, who is the director and cinematographer for the Titans. He recently broadcast an Instagram live with fans, where he discussed Glenn and confirmed that he was indeed returning to the show.

I can understand why the DC live-action series has traditionally been reluctant to include Batman.

The Dark Knight tries to contain any story and a lot of fans will simply want to keep it front and center at all times. So if he’s going to be a big part of Titans season 3, I hope Shoyers has figured out a way to keep the attention of Dick Grayson and the rest of the gang. Because, after all the negative publicity in the first season, the show has gone through the DC Universe to provide a truly entertaining adventure.

As of now, we don’t have a release date for Titans season 3 and there will probably be some delay due to the coronavirus. But here we hope not to face a long wait.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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