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How River Phoenix Influenced Joaquin Phoenix’s Acting Career

The star, who is generating an Oscar buzz for his psychologically profound portrayal of the comic book character The Joker, spoke up after receiving the TIFF Tribute Actor Award.

Joaquin Phoenix Gave All The Credit To The Brother Of His Carrier

He told me how, when he was 15, River gave me a VHS copy of the Martin Scorsi / Robert Deniro Raging Bull classic “Watch Me” in an attempt to rekindle his love of acting. And he said, ‘You’re going to start acting again, that’s what you’re going to do.’ The brothers starred together when Joaquin was eight years old, in a television adaptation of Seven Brides for Seven. Phoenix accepted his award from fellow actor Willem Defoe, saying he had no idea what it was for.

After being shown a montage of clips from his career, the actor, who has been nominated for an Oscar for previous roles in Walk the Line, The Master and Gladiator, paid tribute to his family’s influence on his career.

The Weird Brilliance of Joaquin Phoenix - The New York Times

Image Source: The New York Times

How Joaquin Pheonix Grow His Acting Carrier

When I was watching those clips, I was thinking of my family. Over the years, the actor has earned a reputation for being unpredictable, particularly in his bizarre interview with David Letterman in 2009, where he appeared with a deep, neutral beard and responded to the host on MonoCellables. I’ll go to your house and chew gum. It was Phoenix Transpired, working on a mockumentary titled I’m Still Here, his supposed retirement from acting and his aspirations to become a hip-hop artist.

He appeared on the show a year later to apologize again and explain his strange behaviour. Letterman withdrew to Phoenix telling his network’s attorneys that he had confirmed the use of images from the show in the film. “Yes, we will go to one of their screenings,” replied the veteran host.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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