A horse grieved at the funeral of his owner. Wagner Figueiredo de Lima, Sereno’s owner, tragically lost his life, the horse was taken to Wagner’s funeral. What happened during the parade left many in tears.
Wagner Figueiredo de Lima was included in a motorcycle accident in Brazil on New Years’ Day 2017. He underwent an operation but did not sustain it.
Family and friends, including his horse Sereno, assembled to pay their final respects to him.
Since the two were very close, Wagner’s brother, Wando, believed the horse should be present to say goodbye to him.
As Wagner’s coffin moved by, Sereno behaved in a way that made everyone off guard.
“The horse started walking around the coffin, sniffing the coffin. Then he neighed,” attendee Kyioshi Abreu said. “It was a strong emotion. Everyone who was at the funeral was moved. I cried when I noticed that scene.”
Sereno was everything to Wagner. It was as if the horse understood what was occurring and wanted to say goodbye to him. Wando told that to the grave, the horse would whimper and beat with his paws on the ground.
At one period, Sereno smoothly laid his head against Wagner’s coffin.
Wando said that he planned to take care of the horse and that the horse would stay in the family “permanently.”