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Georgia Mother Who Vanished Two Months Ago On Fourth Of July Party Is Still Missing

The investigators are still in search of a woman who disappeared after a party

It’s been two months since mom-of-two, Natalie Jones, went missing on her way home to Georgia from a July 4th party in Alabama, and her worried mother says she “runs by faith.”

Natalie Jones, 28, was last seen leaving a friend’s house in Opelic, Alabama between 10:20 pm. and 11.00 pm on July 4th, as previously reported by sources. Her sister, Jessica Bishop, said Opelic’s friends got a message from Jones’s phone about an hour later, about the time he was due to go home.

The woman’s phone went out of reach after the morning

Bishop said her sister’s phone last called “from a cell tower in Ephesus near Franklin, Georgia” – about 24 miles northwest of her home in Corinth – shortly after 4:30. of that morning after which the phone was turned off.

Jones was a loving mom and would never leave her two children, ages 11 and 4, Bishop said.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation stepped in to help Heard County authorities deal with the case in late July, listing Natalie as a statewide missing person and receiving a $ 10,000 reward.

The family and friends are n search of her since then

Gordon told that family and friends have tried tirelessly, driving along possible paths he could have taken many times.

But now, two months later, with no new information.

Jones drives an excellent four-door Chevrolet Cavalier, which he painted bright pink with a blue stripe. It has a Georgia license plate RVE6177. Despite the noticeable color, law enforcement was not informed of his discovery.

Description of Jones

Jones is 5’3 “tall and weighs 130 lbs. She has brown hair with light highlights and blue eyes. She has an” Isaac “tattoo on her left wrist, a” Trent “tattoo on her right wrist, and a star map tattoo on her back that extends from the shoulder to shoulder on her back, she also has a tattoo of Trent and a child’s footprint on her right leg.

Jones was last seen wearing white shorts, a pink shirt, and black sandals with a bow.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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