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Georgia Boy, 1, Kidnapped On Gunpoint From Stroller

A toddler was kidnapped at the gunshot

The one-year-old boy, kidnapped at gunpoint on Saturday afternoon, was found safe and sound, told his family.

According to the sources, two people were arrested. we provide further information as it becomes available.

Original story:

The one-year-old was kidnapped from a stroller at gunpoint while he was out with his mother on Saturday afternoon.

Officers activated AMBER Alert in the area

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the FBI have activated Levi’s Call and AMBER Alert for Mateo Alejandro Montufar-Barrera. Levi’s Call is the Georgian version of AMBER Alert.

Description of the kid

Mateo is described as about 2.5 feet 30 pounds tall, with brown eyes and brown hair. He was wearing a Batman shirt and a diaper.

His mother said he was several houses from his own home in Chambly when the Latino stepped out of a burgundy 2003 Acura MDX with a gun. He fought the man, tearing off a piece of his pants and taking one of the boots.

Description of the suspect

She described him as being 28-32 years old, about 5 feet 5 inches tall, with brown hair and eyes. He was wearing plaid shorts and a red or pink hat.

She said he was driving southwest on Clearview Drive to Interstate 85. The license plate was GA RTJ0253.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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