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Designated Survivor Season 4: Why It Won’t Release Until 2024?

Fans have been waiting to hear about the possibility of Designated Survivor’s coming back for a season 4, the first two seasons of the show aired on ABC network for the third season the show moved to Netflix now the future of the show depends on Netflix’s decision.

So, without wasting any time let us get into the details about Designated Survivors season 4.

Designated Survivor' Gets Midseason Return Date – Deadline
Source Deadline


Okay, this is where things get a little messy, Netflix has not yet announced anything about the future of the show which is making fans anxious, while the show has been doing well for the last three seasons and has been able to grab alot of attention from the audience the future of the show is still bleak.

Netflix will soon come out with a final verdict for the show soon all we need to do is stay calm and patient, if Netflix renews the show for a season 4 fans might be able to see it by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2024.


Designated Survivors is created by David Guggenheim the show revolves around thriller and conspiracy and the events that destroyed the capitol after the explosion that killed everyone except Thomas Kirkman, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

While Kirkman was declared as a survivor this was just the beginning of how things would escalate down, that is all we know so far we will keep our readers updated on the latest news if and when Designated Survivors return to Netflix until then continue reading with us!

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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