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Dating Around Season 2: Will There Be A Season 2 Or Not

Few people will ever know how competitors of The Bachelor do it. Of course, this doesn’t mean a dramatic and stressful rose ceremony, but it also doesn’t mean tropical tornado vacations with a person with whom you spent only a total of four hours. Netflix’s Dating Around is therefore anti-graduate:

Will There Be A Season 2 Of 'Dating Around'? This Netflix Reality ...
IMG SRC: Romper

Dating Around Season 2 is finally returning on Netflix:

Blind dates are real like never before from reality TV and the show really relies on the embarrassing conversations of the conversation, the moments of real connection, and the occasionally inappropriate comments that immediately cause the cancellation of the date. After much speculation (and some doubts that it was prematurely canceled by the streaming service) we now know that Dating Around has returned for the second season on Netflix. We can only hope that the second season of the show will bring equal amounts of this real drama on the first date.

Each episode of season 2 will be of 30 minutes:

Each episode of Dating Around includes an appointment on five blind dates. The dates – displayed in the same bar and restaurant – are processed together to make each episode last for about 30 minutes. The first season of Dating Around took place in New York and featured several cast actors who were generally of age, physical orientation, and nationality.

The second season of Dating Around has already been filmed, according to sources, and will take place in New Orleans. It will appear in the flow service later this year, albeit exactly when it is a question mark.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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