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Cara Delevingne Is Pansexual: What Does That Mean?

This June the LGTBIQ Pride is celebrated worldwide. A festive vindication of all the rights that have been achieved throughout this half-century of struggle that, far from being accommodated, continues to live, demanding new advances to achieve once and for all the equality of the group in all the countries of the planet.

Cara Delevinge declares herself as a Pansexual woman:

Hence, although many find it difficult to understand, it is still so important that famous people of all kinds speak openly about their sexuality. Every revolution needs references that serve as a speaker to its reality. And that’s just what Cara Delevigne just did months after breaking up with her partner for two years, Ashley Benson, she officially declares herself a pansexual woman.

Cara Delevingne on Her Pansexual Identity, Singing With Fiona ...
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Cara Delevingne is widely known for her supermodel career and forays into the world of acting. However, the public seems to have a lot of interest in his personal life.

“Everything has changed a lot for me since I started to openly talk about my sexuality,” explains the model and actress to the interview, who says that on this path her main objective has been to flee from labels. “I feel different every day. Sometimes more feminine, other times more masculine, ”she says.

What does Pansexual mean?

“What I do know is that I will always be pansexual,” she declares. That is, she is attracted to all genres. “I don’t care if someone defines himself as he or she or it. I fall in love with people.

Reaching this conclusion was not easy for Delevingne. Especially in her dream of making a career in Hollywood, where years ago nothing more and nothing less than Harvey Weinstein explained that he could not speak openly about this if she wanted to work in the industry.

Cara first declared her sexuality in 2018:

Fortunately, Cara finally accepted her reality and in 2018 she declared herself as sexually fluid. The beginning of a personal acceptance that has led her until now to say without complexes that she is neither lesbian nor bisexual: simply pansexual.

Now, as Cara spends more time with her friends, and in recent days she has joined protests against racism. Meanwhile, Benson has sparked rumors of a romance with G-Eazy.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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