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Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War: Know More About 2024 Release

Call of Duty regain its crown after Modern Warfare reboot release, and now the franchise is heading for its 2024 release. However, there are many suitable contenders for the release, but the developers have chosen the next edition of Black Ops. The 2024 version of Call of Duty titled as Cold War and tended to release in late October or November.

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War

It’s not like the developers want to reveal the game with their official social handles or a press release, but it did happen with a leak of the Doritos packet.

So it is clear here that the next Call of Duty could be Black Ops Cold War as its proven tested. So there is no need to clear as there were rumors about a newly Black Ops game already emerged after the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

When It Will Officially Reveal?

Call of Duty reveal has now bigger surprises as last year, Call of Duty Modern Warfare revealed before two months of release and created such hype that surprised the gamers with immense joy. Now it will be the same case of the Cold War, and the game could reveal in late August or early Septemeber.

Expected Release Date

Taking the consideration of annual release, Call of Duty’s favorite month of the launch in October. We can easily conclude the fact that the game could be delayed this time due to coronavirus pandemic, and it could arrive in November probably. But observing the leaks, we can assume that the next Call of Duty will arrive on time, and there will be no signs of delay. There will be no annual break in case of Call of Duty as Battlefield franchise took a year off to prepare its next edition of the franchise.

Why Ghosts 2 Was Better Option?

We already mentioned the fact that Call of Duty Ghosts 2 was a better option if the franchisee wants to retain their crown. Call of Duty Ghosts 2 left unfinished business and could be a better game if the plotline is considered. But now Call of Duty is focusing on multiplayer too, and hence Cold War could feature a better version of Battle Royale.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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