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Alicia Silverstone Confessed About Her Experience Working In Batman And Robin

There are several reasons why Batman & Robin isn’t a major fan favorite. The 1989 Batman fans of Tim Burton’s gritty aesthetic and Batman Returns were not interested in the more lively and amusing, and the new Director Joel Schumacher was back to their hero. And Batman & Robin takes all this vivid nonsense to the extreme. While fans may have had disagreements with the film, it turns out that the actress Alicia Silverstone did.

Alicia Silverstone’s Experience During Batman & Robin

Alicia Silverstone spoke about the experience of filming Batman & Robin in a recent interview with Batgirl actress. This involved a lot of needless public debates on its weight. Silverstone acknowledged, however, that the production of the film itself was not much fun. As Silverstone talked with our Reelblend show, she explained what it was about, and it wasn’t just the awkward outfit.

The Costume Was Uncomfortable

Alicia Silverstone claims she wanted to work with George Clooney’s interests. It seems, however, that in addition to finding the costume uncomfortable, Silverstone was not especially pleased with the results. He makes it clear that Batman & Robin is far from the worst experience he has ever had, but neither was it the best. The bar is pretty big if you equate stuff with David Mamet or Kenneth Branagh.

Super Hero Films

Alicia Silverstone doesn’t seem to care for the more action-oriented film producing a superheroic film. And Batman & Robin, it must be said, leaned further than others into the real sense of the word “comic book.” Much dialog is intentionally melodramatic or dumb for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mr. Freeze. It’s not Shakespeare.

As Alicia Silverstone says, she may have a very different feeling now than she did when she was 18 years old to make a film like Batman & Robin. She didn’t make many big-budget films like that since then, but maybe somewhere down the line, she’ll have the chance to have more fun in a superhero movie.

Other Details

Although Silverstone acknowledged that she “stops enjoying acting long” after playing the Warner Bros. film, she has rediscovered her passion ever since and can now be seen in her marriage comedy Bad Therapy, digitally released on April 17.

Earlier in the interview, the champion of animal rights expressed her thoughts about the coronavirus crisis that halted production on two of her upcoming film projects. During the pandemic, she spent her time raising awareness of programs that support those on the front line.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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