The Owl House is an animated television show. Disney Television Animation is the producer of The Owl House. Dana Terrace is the creator of this show. This animated show revolves around the story of a teen girl named Luz. In the show, the teen girl Luz finds herself working under a witch.
The viewers appreciated The Owl House by giving a lot of great responses to the show. There is a piece of good news for the viewers that the second season of this show was renewed in November 2019. If you want to get more details about the release of this show, then here are some updates for you.
The Owl House Season 2 Release Date
Unfortunately, the creators of The Owl House have not announced anything regarding the release date of season 2. The Disney Television Animation had announced about the future of The Owl House before the release of its first season in November 2019. Disney announced that the show is confirmed for two seasons right not, and the future will be based on considering the viewership of the first two seasons.
But after the release and good viewership of the first season, Disney never talked about the renewal of The Owl House season 2. One thing that is sure that Disney is not a small television network. So we can easily trust the network, and let’s wait for some more time for the next announcement about the future of The Owl House.
The Owl House Season 2 Cast
If the show renews, the cast of the first season will be returning for the new season. As The Owl House is an animated show, the cast of the show is only involved with voicing the animated characters of the show.
So the cast of season 2 will include – Sarah-Nicole Robles, Wendie Malick, Alex Hirsch. We can also experience to see some more voicing cast members in the new season of The Owl House as new characters are expected to be added in the new season according to the success of the first season.