Letterkenny is a long-running comedy series. The show is from Canada and it is created by Jared Jacob and Keeso they are also the directors of the show. The Letterkenny is a Hulu exclusive show. Which showcases the three groups of people comes to a face-off. The three groups are Hockey Hicks and Skids.
The series also won the best comedy series award in 2017 in the 5th Canadian screen awards. The series already got its hit eight seasons and fans are demanding for more of the show. There are lots of questions regarding the ninth seasons of the show whether it is going to happen or not who all are going to be there and many more.
Here you will get to know everything:
Is the Letterkenny Season 9 renewed or not?
There is a piece of good news for the fans that Yes the show is been renewed for its ninth installment.
The expected release date of the series:
The Letterkenny should have been liberated, as it could have been from the industry, as a result of the problems caused by the epidemic, the part should be postponed and no advice on its arrival has been excluded.
Its last season aired on Hulu on December 27, 2019. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, its date may be affected. Nothing has been officially announced yet. But there are still many reasons to make you laugh. So wait for them.
The cast members we can see in season 9:
- Jared Keeso who plays Wayne in the thriller
- Nathan Dales who plays Daryl
- Michelle Mylett as Katy
- K. Trevor Wilson as Squirrely Dan
- Dylan Playfair as Reilly
- Andrew Herr as Jonesy
- Tyler Johnston as Stewart