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How I Met Your Mother: 5 Best Couple Ranked Throughout The Series

How I Met Your Mother is one of the most famous sitcoms of all time. The show focused on a group of five incredibly close friends who made their way across the ups and downs of life and were funny, loving, and entertaining.

Of course, as is the nature of such a show, it has had many relationships. Long before we reached ‘the mother,’ we saw that Ted Mosby went through many broken ties. And, although some of them didn’t make sense, you thought that many of his friends could be the one.

It was not only Ted who had some great relationships during the series. The rest of the group have all taken part in this action, and we’ll look back at 5 of the top couples of the series.

Best Couples On ‘How I Met Your Mother’

#1. Marshall & Lilly

This show could all be about Ted Mosby trying to meet his wife, but there was no best connection. This honor goes to Marshall and his Lilly pad, who are describing several goals throughout the series.

This pair is together from the very beginning, and we see all the ups and downs of their relationship. They are all affected by marriage, birth, and family death. Yet they remain strong, have the backs of each other, and smile constantly. Very passionately in love with each other, this couple is nothing to love.

#2. Ted & Victoria

Is it bad that we have Ted over the eventual mother and Robin, who are his two main lovers, about Victoria? In any case, this is where the relationship is and should be so strong. The passion between the two was evident from the unbelievable marriage scene between them, and things only changed.

Initially, Victoria would be the mother if the series had not been picked up for other seasons, which is why she was written so strongly. That is why their relationship is so perfect, and it must have been kind enough to marry them. Their chemistry was off the charts, and they had a sweetness.

#3. Ted & Robin

Ted and Robin is one of the most critical connections throughout the series. This is Ted’s first romance, even though they were just friends. But the fact that he had to fight for it led people to become even more attached when they got together at last.

They were a couple who loved each other and tried to make things work together during their time. They were infective in their enthusiasm and always made each other laugh, although it didn’t work out (until the end), and they looked like a perfect pair.

#4. Barney & Quinn

In the series, Barney had some ties, but he didn’t dedicate himself to many of them. In this respect, Quinn was different because they moved in together. This is why their friendship was fruitful because it showed a new side of Barney.

While things were simple, it wouldn’t last long, purely because of its existence, and it was fun while it lasted. Quinn gave Barney the best, and she had lots of fun at the same time. They loved each other, and when they were together, they had an irresistible charm.

#5. Ted & Trudy

Trudy was someone Ted Mosby managed to click on the bar as he tried to get over Robin. Both of them went well together and lead to the famous story of pineapple, one of the funniest in the history of How I Met Your Mother.

Sadly, this relationship never takes too much time to develop because, at this stage, Ted is not over Robin. As Ted tries to shield her from Robin, she climbs out of its window with this interaction coming at the wrong time.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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