
11 Amazing Seniors Doing Yoga

Yoga has been around for centuries, and has been practiced for thousands of years. It is an ancient practice that uses asanas or postures to build strength, flexibility and mind-body connection. Today, there are so many types of yoga that offer different benefits, but some of the most popular are as follows:

What do these people have in common? They’re all amazing, and they’re all seniors doing yoga. I really wanted to find out what makes these people so awesome and successful. What I found out, is that age has nothing to do with yoga. It’s all about practice, and dedication.

Yoga is not just for the elderly and if you’ve seen an elderly person doing yoga you may have assumed that it was a skilled and seasoned yogi. But, the fact of the matter is that most seniors are doing yoga wrong and there are many benefits that they can gain from it. Here is a list of 11 amazing seniors doing yoga and you can benefit from this by using the following rules:

In 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon discovered the Fountain of Eternal Youth, a famous spring said to revive the youth of those who drank or bathed in its clear waters. Unfortunately, this source was a myth, evaporated or lost its power.

But in a positive way: The miracle cure for youth really exists, even if you don’t find it in a bottle or on a shelf at the pharmacy. It’s yoga!

Do you need proof? Check out these amazing seniors who are doing yoga and not letting their age stop them from doing amazing things in their golden years. You won’t find these people knitting in rocking chairs or curled up on walkers.

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1. This little lady said I don’t think carpal tunnel syndrome

2. Old Crow?

Maybe, but she makes nursing homes miserable with that incredible raven attitude.

3. Tao Porshawn-Lynch controls

The 93-year-old diva not only practices yoga, she also teaches it. In 2012, she was named the oldest female yoga teacher by the Guinness Book of World Records.

4. He is not afraid to fall and not afraid to get up again

Sorry, fear of life.

5. Ida Herbert 45 years old in yoga class

Look at the team pose – it’s not easy, as many younger yogis can attest.

6. Diluted monotonicity: Take a pose at this random bus stop

After all, there’s no point in sitting on a bench if you can nestle against a pole on a city street.

7. I don’t know who started this trend, but Mary Skaggs, 90, tried.

Source: Pinterest

It’s the old lady version of a bust flash at Mardi Gras. Only it’s much more elegant and much harder to maneuver.

8. Eighty-seven years is nothing, says yoga teacher and enthusiast Bette Kalman

It has only just begun.

9. Get out the Christmas tree, hang the lanterns, decorate the mantelpiece and touch your toes

It’s a day with Bernice Bates, a 91-year-old yogi.

10. Who is ready to do the monkey pose in the afternoon?

Big old Yogi!

11. Kinderpose

This 84-year-old yoga teacher has even more impressive asanas in his arsenal. Meet Hou Zhenshan, a yoga teacher who has been practicing in China for over 30 years.

Next time you come up with a lame excuse about your limitations, remember those older yogis who let nothing stop them. Know that no matter how old you are, you can be energetic, flexible and full of life if you keep rolling out your mat and making time for yoga.

See also  10-Minute Yoga for Concentration

What do you think of these amazing older people doing yoga? Do you plan on becoming one of them? Leave us a message in the comments!

You’ve seen the commercials. You’ve seen the ads. You’ve seen the memes. But you haven’t seen anything quite like this.. Read more about yoga for seniors and let us know what you think.

What do you think?

Written by Vaibhav Sharda