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Wonder Woman 1984: Sequel Villain Maxwell Lord Was Inspired By Donald Trump

Wonder Women 1984 is one movie fans have been eyeing for the longest time possible and with each new update on the movie we get a little more impatient, the movie has seen several delays due to the pandemic and is now set for October 2, 2024 release.

So, without wasting any time let us get into the details about Wonder Women 1984.


We know Wonder Women 1984 will do wonders on the big screen, while this might be a sequel the movie will be a stand-alone adventure, the story of the movie will begin with Diana way before she realized her powers and importance, so it won’t be like any other sequel the movie will have a story of itself.

According to director Patty Jenkins, the evil businessman Maxwell Lord who will be seen as the villain in the movie has been inspired by other businessmen like Donald Trump and Bernie Madoff, Maxwell Lord is not a new character is a calculative businessman who only thinks about himself and his profit.

While on an interview Patty revealed that businessmen like Donald Trump and Bernie Madoff have inspired her for this version of Maxwell Lord she also clarified that this does not have to do with any political agenda in mind before people bombard her with hate.

Patty also mentioned that she has taken a stance from Madoff’s young life to frame Maxwell for the movie, we have high hopes from Wonder Woman 1984 and we are sure Patty will not disappoint us in any way.

We are all waiting for October 2, 2024, for the movie to hit theaters, do leave comments if you want us to write a review for all our readers.

That is all we know so far we will keep our fans updated on the latest news about Wonder Woman 1984 until then continue reading with us about your favorite shows and movies.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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