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Woman Busted After Hit And Run Death Of A Man Struck By 3 Cars

On Monday, the authority proclaimed imprisonment in the hit-and-run death of a walker who was hit by three drivers and pulled 13 blocks in West Adams on Thanksgiving, according to a source.

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, a suspected woman in her 50s was purportedly back the wheel of the last wheels that hit 62-year-old named Jihad Muhammad on Nov. 28 in the night.

The officials revealed that the woman purportedly struck the victim as he lay still on Adams Boulevard near West View Street, then pushed 13 blocks on Adams to a gas terminal at Crenshaw Boulevard, according to a report.

According to LAPD, earlier this month, CCTV footage issued, which captured the third driver pulling up to the gas station, leaving her car and inspecting underneath.

The woman purportedly got back into the car, backed up and removed the body, and then rushed off.

The 62 years old man Muhammad was declared dead at the gas pumps.

LAPD Capt. Jonathan Pinto stated that the woman was conducted by a lawyer when she set herself into the authority two weeks after the fatal incident.

According to Pinto, the woman has been detained on suspicion of murder. The case has been turned over to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, which will determine whether to file custody.

According to the authority, there are none of the drivers stopped to provide aid. LAPD is still exploring for the two other drivers in the matter, according to a source.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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