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Why Servers Problems During Pandemic Is At Peak Order, Playstation Network Becomes Latest Victim

Because many people worldwide restrict their time outdoors to fear the coronavirus, one might think it is a good time for the video gaming industry, which can provide a way of entertaining people who are so desperately lonely.

But in fact, the outbreak for the gaming sector could not have been worse. Concerns about the virus, which can cause life-threatening health problems, have prompted organizers to cancel a big industry festival, where designers frequently make massive publications and can ruin the next fortnite.

Furthermore, the supply chain continues to wreak havoc as Sony and Microsoft, two of the biggest rivals in the industry, are expected to release their next significant consoles later this year.

Playstation Network

According to the reports, the PlayStation Network has seen a spike in issues concurrently with Xbox Live. Different sign-in and multiplayer failures tend to have players affected. All PlayStation Network services are back to normal as they are.

There was no denying that the weekend led to the heavy load on servers. For the workweek now in full movement, the operation will typically relax more.

Surge In Video Games Usage

Playstation is not the only gaming business that has seen an increase in demand. Steam hit a high of 20 million all-time users yesterday with a record 19.7 million users set only one day earlier on Saturday.

Similarly, Telecom Italia, an Italian telecom firm, reported last week a 70% increase in internet traffic. Most of this was delegated to online games like Fortnite and Call of Duty by the CEO of the company.

Talking of Call of Duty, the newly minted Warzone royal battle of Activision reached fifteen million players in three days. The free-to-play shooter is now the fastest-growing ever record-holding title, Apex Legends.

Xbox Live 

Some users could not register, while others encountered errors while using online matchmaking services in Live. Worried users flocked to the help page of Xbox. The high demand meant that some users could not access the platform. Problems have not been limited to one country as users have global issues documented.

Xbox was able to fix the problems. The servers were backed up and running as expected, according to the official Xbox Support Twitter account, just over three hours later. Both Xbox Live services are backed up by Microsoft’s Xbox Live Status page when it’s released.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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