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The Flash Season 7: Showrunner Opened Up About The Possibility Of Aquaman Reference In The Upcoming Season

We might see Aquaman in Flash, and what’s better than that?

Eric Wallace, the showrunner of The Flash, is now discussing the possibility of a seventh season and he referred to Aquaman.

This long-running show of The CW has just finished its sixth instalment and this season has drawn to a close with the 19th episode called Success is Assured.

This sixth instalment was planned to run for 16 episodes. Still, as you are well aware of the current global scenarios and how this pandemic has affected the entertainment industry a lot, thus it has forced The Flash season 6 to end three episodes early.

The Flash ended three episodes early because of the pandemic!

There was a crossover about The Crisis on Infinite Earths that took place earlier this season and brought about the creation of a new universe called Earth-Prime that combined the worlds of the DC Superheroes of The CW.

This factor brought about significant changes that are going to have lasting implications on each hero and the storylines that are going to develop in the future seasons. This fact also set the stage for new heroes to get an introduction.

Here is what Wallace has to say about this news!

During an interview arranged by TV Line, Eric Wallace was discussing the finale of season 6 and what we might have in the seventh instalment. He briefly mentioned Aquaman.

In an early episode of the sixth season, Cisco travelled around the world to gather some intel, and one of his stops was Atlantis, the lost underwater kingdom and home of our marine superhero, Aquaman.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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