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The Big Bang Theory: Who Played Howard’s Mother?

Melvina Wolowitz was Deborah “Debbie” (most commonly identified and credited as Mrs. Wolowitz) and Howard Wolowitz’s mother and Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz’s mother-in-law. Howard still calls her “Ma” (usually screaming).

She’s not only sweet and compassionate but is also a loving mother figure for her son and friends, despite her super controlling, rude, overprotective, often desperate manners.

The constant joke or gag in the series is that viewers never see her face; she made her presence known by the late Carol Ann Susi, a loud and disgusting New Jersey-focused voice.

Carol Ann Susi Played The Role Of Mrs. Wolowitz

Debbie Wolowitz, famous for never being on the screen, has been replaced by voiceover actress Carol Ann Susi, who died in mid-2014 during the 12-season sitcom.

According to Warner Bros, Susi was battling an aggressive form of cancer when she died.

Her role is most often compared to Carlton, the invisible doorman in the seventies sitcom “Rhoda” and Orson, Mork’s superior on “Mork and Mindy.”

She Appeared In The Show

“Over the eight seasons, Mrs. Wolowitz was a little enigmatic,” says executive producer Chuck Lorre. “What wasn’t a mystery, however, was the great talent and comedy of Carol Ann.”

Probably, he said, she appeared at the show— at Howard’s wedding. During this episode, Ms. Wolowitz or someone pretending to be Mrs. Wolowitz also appeared.

Mrs. Wolowitz Character

In her younger days, Mrs. Wolowitz said she used to be quite a looker. She grew tall with age and even developed a little mustache.

Since her husband Sam Wolowitz had given up, her self-confidence seems to be more vulnerable. She looks quite lonely to her friend, whom she lovingly calls Howie the core of her life. She and Howard do not get along, and Howard often wants to leave the house. She is always insulting him and treating him like trash.

While she looks loud, overbearing, and lonely, she is not only a lovely and well-meaning girl, her son, but also her friends, a caring maternal person. This was seen when Stuart was welcomed into her home after he was nearly homeless and bonded. All the others were devastated by her passing, which paid her tribute. Until her passing, she approved of Bernadette’s fiancé, and they met enough to pick up her mannerisms.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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